For M.J

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For M.J  Copyright 2019 Tamara Ya'kirea

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or language by any means without prior consent of the Author. Except brief quotes used for reviews.

Although this story has a poetically fictional base there are multiple characters, locations and scenes in this story that are truly a work of NON-FICTION.  Any other references or similarities to actual events, real people, living and/or dead, or to real locations are of given consent by the featured characters and owners to give my novel the rest of it's reality. Any similarities in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.

Hello Readers, My name is Tamara Ya'kirea. 
I first started working on the story For M.J as a poetical outlet for the seamless and unromantic crush I'd developed over my "street supplier" and Unknowing to me at the time my addiction to smoking away Internalized and external unvoiced situations and circumstances with the use of Cannabis in different forms. I then began to therapeutically cleanse my use of marijuana of which didn't last long but was helpful at the time. In my cleansing period I'd began revamping the story which was originally called "Crushing On The Plug"........ It was a hot mess and it would not have sat right with me spiritually if I'd gone along with it up until now-- I then began a spiritual cleanse as well taking everything the Plant was doing to me and I was doing with its help and put it on paper ( Now for some its not a drug its a medicine, but for me specifically I was continuously abusing it and its something I still struggle with today. I have consecutively stopped smoking marijuana for 2 months and 8 days and counting, which is my longest and physically consensual wanting agreement to part ways with the beautiful bloom of the plant. I wasn't just smoking for the anxiety to float away, I was smoking for a multitude of things. It isn't for me medically nor is it meant for me mentally. Now I've written this for the sole purposes of helping get my thoughts out and to and for men and women, young adults and teenagers who are struggling with a marijuana addiction in hopes that this can help for you in some way. Thank you.

--Tamara Ya'kirea


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