<< too late pt 2 >>

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Third POV

"Y-you k-kissed m-me." Tae's eyes widen at Jungkook. All jungkook did was smirk and look at his baby.

"Yes, I did. Your too late" Tae gasp still shocked.
"Why is my heart beating faster." Tae asked himself in his head. "I'm going to get ready, then we are going out to watch a movie." Tae nodded and Jungkook headed to the shower.

"His lips are so soft." Taehyung touched his lips and smiled. "He is my bunny."


Jungkook and taehyung were done getting ready, and they are heading into the car.

"What movie are we watching?" Tae asked. "Um, I don't really know, we'll see what's on when we get there." Jungkook said and tae nodded.

Tae was looking out the window from the passenger seat, while Jungkook was watching the road.
"We're here." Tae's eyes lit up.

They walked to the movie theater to get tickets.
"Wanna watch Aladdin? The 2nd show starts at 11:30." Tae hummed a yes and soon enough they got their tickets.

"What time is it?" Tae asked. "It's 11:10."
Jungkook thought of an idea.
"Let's buy some snacks and hide it under our hoodies." Jungkook smirked.

They both ran down to ABC store to get small snacks. They were having a lot of fun, until Jungkook looked at the time.
"Babe, it's 11:28." He said as he looked at tae.
"Well then let's go!" Jungkook saw him running and just smiled while trying to catch up to him.

"May I see your tickets." The worker asked. She rips the paper in half. "Theater 6 on your left." We bow and head inside.

"I'll find us a seat, while you get some drinks." Jungkook nodded and left to get some drinks, while taehyung went to find some seats.

As tae went in not a lot of people were there, thankfully. Suddenly the ads popped up and scared tae. Some people were laughing, so he quickly chose any seat.

As tae was sitting down, he saw Jungkook from afar. Jungkook sat next to taehyung, and knew something was off.
"Babe, what's wrong." Some people have a few stares at hearing Jungkook calling tae babe.
"I got scared of the ads that popped up while trying to find our seats, and some people laughed at me."
Jungkook caressed his cheek.
"It's okay, let's watch the movie, yeah?" Jungkook gave a soft smile and so did tae.


"That as a nice movie." Tae said walking out of the door with Jungkook. "It was." Guk smiled.
"Thank you for coming." The worker said. They bowed and went to a near by coffee shop to get something warm to drink.

"Go ahead and sit babe, I'll order our hot cocos."
Tae nodded and sat down at the nearest table.
"Hi, how may I help you." The worker asked.
"Can I please get, 2 hot cocos." The worker was writing down his orders.

"Do you want a 16oz or a 20 oz?"
"Umm I'll get both 16oz, thank you." Jungkook payed and went to taehyung.
But he saw him with another guy, talking.
Jungkook started growling very low, getting very protective. This guy sitting next to tae is an alpha.

He soon sat down next to tae.
"Oh bogum this is Jungkook and Jungkook this is bogum." Tae's boxed smile appeared.
"Hi nice to meet you." Bogum smiled leaving a hand out, Jungkook didn't want to be rude, so he took the hand shake. Jungkook was growling low, getting very protective.
"His scent is not at brutal as others." Jungkook thought in his mind.

"Anyways, bogum Hyung!" Tae smiled at him.
"How's your acting career?" Bogum was in aww at Tae's cute behavior. "It's good taehyung-ah."

"Two hot cocos?!" The worker yelled out of no where.
"That'll be me." Jungkook went to get the hot cocos and came back. "Tae let's go, um nice meeting you bogum hyung." Jungkook and tae soon left.


"What was that?!" Jungkook asked out of no where during the car ride.
"What was what?" Jungkook sighed out of annoyance. "It was obvious that you were flirting with him."  Tae gave him a annoying face.
"It's nothing Jungkook." Tae looked out of the window.
"Tae your not helping the situation." Jungkook tried to calm down.
"Omg Jungkook! Why are you so jealous! We're not even dating! And I'm not your boyfriend!"

Jungkooks eyes turn from anger to hurt.
"Your right, I shouldn't be jealous, I'm not your boyfriend, and we're not dating."
They soon parked at Jungkooks house. Jungkook didn't say a word and just left tae in the car.

"Fuck!" Tae yelled inside the car.

"I'm so stupid......" tae was getting into his submissive mode.

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