Reading (9) June

148 9 5

Hope you guys are all looking forward to summer! Due to the amount of participation, we're not going to break out into another circle just yet. We're going to stick with just four for now.

Circle One you'll be taking on Chido_10bell's Parallels Chapters One-Five

Two  and a half years later after the tragic incident that happened to Bella's mother Hanna Hernandez leading to her death, Bella still struggled to live as she felt as if a part of her died that day with her mom

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Two and a half years later after the tragic incident that happened to Bella's mother Hanna Hernandez leading to her death, Bella still struggled to live as she felt as if a part of her died that day with her mom.All the sympathetic looks she got from friends and family only managed to aggravate her instead of consoling her.After moving to New York with her dad to start a new life, things only managed to get worse,she had on and off panic attacks,nightmares that seemed to come to life soon after the sun set and she was seen as a psycho in her new school (Gateway high).Her father (Jake Hernandez) was the only person she trusted and willingly opened up to until on one cloudy day Drew reached out to her and made her come to terms with her mothers death and move on.Was this feeling going to last? Or was this another tragedy that she'd have to deal with?

Circle One Readers
















Circle Two you'll be working on cataclysmical 's Deception: Born in Darkness Chapters Five-Nine

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