Chapter 2. Bath time

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3rd person:

The next morning dean and Sam were awoken by screams that never ended. Dean was the first one up and then Sam not to far along, dean walked down the hallway towards the screaming and opened the door to the library and saw cas walking back and forth gently swaying the little fledgling.

Dean's POV:

I walked in and saw that cas was trying to calm the little fledgling and decided to help.

"Hey cas give her here" I opened my arms and was rewarded with the little fledgling and her little wings, I gently started rocking her while humming "Hey Jude" and before I knew it she fell fast asleep while attached to my shirt.

I looked up and found I had an audience, Sam was leaning against the door frame smiling and cas was standing there looking shocked.

"Cas what's the matter, why do you look so shocked?" I whispered but asked.

"Nothing it's just with a fledgling only her brother or sisters gets a little fledgling to go to sleep" cas said.

Oh ok I was shocked "well I guess I still have the magic touch from taking care of Sammy" I said and smirked.

I went and slowly half laid and sat on the couch carful not to wake (y/n) up. I sat there gently rubbing her back carful not to ruffle her wings and was still softly mumbling and humming.
I didn't realize I fell asleep until I woke up and there was a blanket wrapped around the both of us and (y/n) was chewing on her little hand staring at me.

I smiled "you want to take a bath, get you all clean?" I asked her, She seemed entertained chewing on her hand getting slobber everywhere so I just said "ok".

I got up with (y/n) and walked to the kitchen to feed her before she gets fussy and looked in the cabinets and found the baby formula, her little bottle covered in pink flowers so then I put the smelly stuff in it and put warm water in it and shook it and gave it to her.

She started to hum in appreciation and I smiled, she was so cute but my thoughts were stopped when I heard two pairs of feet walking over to where we were.

"Hey I'm gonna give her a bath after she's done eating and change her into clothes" I said

"Ok I got clothes specially made for (y/n) because of her little wings." Cas said "ok" I said shortly.

I stood there holding up the bottle while Sam and cas watched and when there was nothing left I put the bottle down and put her over my shoulder to burp her but was very carful of her wings.

After that was done I laid her down on my bed and went to get the water started. I made sure it wasn't to hot or cold but I also put bubbles in it.

I walked out and got her ready and put her in, At first she was shocked and then I gave her a little rubber ducky while still helping her stay up.

After she was satisfied I began to wash her with the baby soap Sam and I got at the store, I saved her little wings for last and gently scrubbed them but not ruffle them and bend the feathers.

I started to drain the water and grabbed a soft fluffy towel and grabbed her out and wrapped her tight so she won't get cold and put really good smelling baby lotion on her and put her in her really small diaper.

That was the easy part the next part was the clothes, I grabbed a little onesie that had a little angel on it but had holes in the back for her wings.

I put her feet in first and then put her arms in and then managed to put her little wings in as gently as possible and then zipped her up, I lifted her up.

I changed my clothes after putting her in my bed and grabbed her and made her another bottle and went to lay down.

I put (y/n) on my left but covered the side of the bed with pillows and on the floor just Incase and laid down and covered the both of us up.

She cuddled up next to me and I gently rubbed her back in between her wings and we both fell asleep...

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