Chapter 12

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"Well!", I say starting to really loose my temper, I feel like a mother hen telling off her kids, except these guys are older than me.

Travis pulls his backpack off his shoulder, swinging it around in front of him and opening the zip. He pulls out a strange tightly wrapped up item that looks like a brick, then lays it on the coffee table. I stare at the item more closely and realise that it's compressed herbal stuff, wrapped tightly in clean film. Then it hits me and I look back at all three of them in horror.

"What the fuck is this!!!", I shout at them pointing at the item, my whole body trembling with rage. Are they out of their freaking minds bringing such a thing in our home.

"Nicky, calm down we can explain", my brother Derick says with an amused look on his face while the others are laughing at me in a mocking way.

"Calm down? CALM DOWN?!!! Are all three of you tripping right now? Have you all lost your damn minds? And how the hell can you laugh at a situation like this?", I keep shouting while pointing at the brick. "This is going to land the entire family in shit, we could all get arrested for possession of class B drugs and you think you this is funny?!!!", I growl out the words. "Relax, your making a big deal out of nothing", Travis says nonchalantly.

"Who are you? I don't recognise either one of you!" I say with disappointment. I sit down on the couch shaking my head and look at them, the fact that they all find my reaction amusing, pisses me off. I stare back at the brick of weed on the coffee table and look back at them again, "please explain to me why this is here?" I say feeling drained.

"We are holding it for someone", Derick says casually and then the other two clowns nodded eagerly, trying to make his excuse believable. "Really?" I say sarcastically raising an eyebrow and continue, "did you also hold his porn magazine too?", I ask half joking at his piss poor, lame excuse.

"You three are gonna have to do better than that!", I say glaring at them and not amused at all. "Oh I know, let's try something new, something you all clearly struggle with. How about we tell the truth, that might work?", I say with my fakest smile and using a squeaky voice with mocking sarcasm.

"Nicky, it really does belong to a friend", Derick insists, so I ask all three a simple question, "Ok then, I want all three of you tell me the name of this so called friend on the count of three! 1... 2... 3...", "Dean, Jason, Peter!", they all blurt out the names and not one matched the others response. They try to correct themselves by choosing the names that one-another used just now, but it just made them look stupid and clumsy. I pinch the bridge of my nose while shaking may head and I feel a headache coming on, they are frustrating me and it's clear they have no intention of telling me the truth.

All this is getting me nowhere and I've had enough, they aren't talking and my patience has reached it's limit. I casually get up from my seat, pick up the package while they are bitching at each other over the fact that they couldn't' get the names right and that's when I make a dash for it, out of the living, up the stairs and into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I hear them run up the stairs shouting my name and when they arrive at the door, they try to open it unsuccessfully. They start banging on the bathroom door and one of them shouts, "Nichole don't do anything stupid!". It was Liam's voice and he sounded desperate and angry but I just want the truth and I don't think I'm asking for too much considering the situation. "Tell me the truth then, or this stuff is going down the toilet!!!", I shout back. I wouldn't, but they don't know that and this is the only way I can think of to get them to be honest with me.

"I need to make money fast!!!", Liam shouts still banging on the door, desperately trying to twist the door knob, as if by some miracle it will open. "What do you need money for, you come from a wealthy home, try again and with the truth!", I say shouting back again. "I need the money so I can move out and live on my own", he shouts but I hear the sadness in his voice. "Nichole, I can't live with him anymore, please I need this, it's the only way!", he pleads and I can tell that he is telling me the truth. I feel guilty now, for having gone to these extremes in order to get to the truth but how else was I going to get it?

I unlock the door and he immediately barges in, snatching the object from my hands and when I lock eyes with him, his stare is dark, dead even, no emotion behind them and I felt a warning chill run down my spine. "I just wanted to know the truth", I say timidly to him and I lower my gaze but he says nothing and just turns his back on me to leave. I grab his arm but he shrugs me off as if disgusted by my touch and I am left speechless and hurt by his reaction. I watch as he leaves with my brothers to go back downstairs whilst I just stand there hurt and confused by how things turned out so bad so quickly, when just earlier we were all over each other and having fun. I run to my room and throw myself into my cushions, burring my head and cry.

I didn't see him after that or get to speak to him for the rest of the weekend as they all went out to another party and never came home. I spent my weekend crying like a fool, not eating for loss of appetite and barley got a wink of sleep worrying about them carrying that stuff around. It's Monday morning, my eyes are all red and swollen, I look like shit and no amount of makeup is going to hide this. I do my morning routine but I feel like a zombie, just doing the motions and getting ready for another day at school. I'd love to bunk off today, but I've never done anything like that before and I don't think I have the guts to either, so I resign to my fate and just go to school. My mind has been in overdrive, constantly thinking about the events, thinking about him, worrying about him and his messed up logic to get away from his dad and I just want it to stop, I doubt he worries about me the way that I do him and I really need to get a grip, I just don't know how.

I'm standing in front of my teacher while she is scolding me for not having done any homework, which is a first for me so I was hoping she would cut me some slack and of course she doesn't, but despite this I just feel numb and all I hear is "BLAH, BLAH BLAH, BLAH BLAH". Frustrated with my none reaction she just shoos me away to return to my desk and like the zombie I am today, I do just that. I sit there just staring into space and as much as I want to focus, I have just too many thoughts invading my mind and it always involves him.

This is getting stupid, since when did my life evolve around this one guy who clearly doesn't give a shit about me as much as I do him. I really need to snap out of this and get it together, I need to return to my old boring self, who has no life except for studying and books. That is me and that is who I should always be, not this hormonal, overemotional teenage girl.

I get back on my feet, knocking over my chair and shouting "fuck this shit and lets move on!", then the entire class erupts into laughter while the teacher just glares at me, then writes down a note that she then hands over to me and sends me straight to the headmasters office. That must have been the most embarrassing moment of my life but that feeling was overlapped by the fact that I was going to the headmasters office and that felt much worse. I didn't want to see this man face to face and have him lecture me, because all I will see in front of me is a man that abuses his son and I don't think I will be able to hide my disgust towards him.

As I reach reception, I wait patiently for the secretary to finish what she's doing, which is chatting on the phone with god knows who, during working hours. She briefly looks at me then ignores me carrying on the conversation. I must have stood there what felt like hours and then she finally hangs up. "Why are you here?", she asks clearly bored by her job. "I've been sent to see the headmaster!", I reply handing over the teachers note. "Mmm, his office is just this way, follow me", she say without any eye contact as she plays with her cell phone. Does this woman get paid for playing games and chatting on phones? Cushty job, I think to myself sarcastically as I follow behind her. "Sit here, he's with someone and when his done he will call for you", she says quickly and leaves to go back to reception.

I have never been in trouble before and it's starting to hit home, I may not like the guy for what he does to his son, but really I don't know him at all except for the fact that he is the head of the school. As I sit patiently with my leg shaking nervously I over hear shouting in the room and the sudden smash of glass. "You go missing for days without a word and you dare to give me lip, boy!!!", I hear the man shout and then the smashing of more objects. I immediately know who's in there and without even realising it, my body moved on it's own and I found myself bursting into the room uninvited.

This chapter is a bit short but the next one will be better, I hope. Tell me what you think so far ;) and don't forget to vote xxx

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