Authors Note

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Hello my lovely readers! I just want to say thank you for taking the time to read my story and telling me what you thought about it. I am very thankful for all of you guys, especially those of you who are loyal readers who's always waiting on the next chapter!

I know the story may have seemed a little too fast or may have not lived up to your expectations, but I tried my very best. I was afraid that by continuing it would drag it on unnecessarily and it may become even more unrealistic than it already is(San is human too! He can't live forever!). I did try my best to build suspense in as much areas as possible, so sorry if the ending was a bit disappointing. I hope you like it anyways! I also hope you guys can look forward to more stories in the future!

I am always happy to read your comments (especially constructive criticism) and I would love for you guys to tell me what you thought of the story! Love you guys! Stay tuned for new stories!!!

Quick note. I noticed alot of people mentioned how they wished Hyejin would end up with San, but I felt that by doing that might make the story a little too unrealistic. If you look at South Korea geographically, only about 17% of Korea is rural, making it extremely difficult for San to hide himself and Hyejin for an extended period of time since most of korea is urban cities. I also wanted to show that even strong people like San can be taken down just like anyone else. Also, if Hyejin would have ended up with San, eventually he would end up killing her due to the fact that just holding her captive indefinitely would not be possible. I do understand that it might have made the story more interesting, but I hope you understand why I wrote it the way I did. Anyways, thats it! Thank you for reading!!!

ALSO! ONE MORE THING! I know the ending jumped ahead real far, but like...yeah....sorry...

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