Bittersweet Reunion

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I sighed as I drove up to Cory's place. Look, I regret losing contact with Maya. I really do. It's just- well, I finished college and found a good job in Philly. A job that took up most of my time. I guess I never really got around to it. Because of that job, I missed Riley and Maya's graduation. I missed almost every holiday gathering. I barely had enough time to celebrate my own birthday.

A year ago, I quit.

A year ago, I made a stupid decision.

My friends Ria, Thomas, Akari and Marta invited me along to travel the world for a year. As the idiot I am, I accepted.

After nearly 6 years without seeing my family, I decided to ditch them when I got the chance.

Great son I am.

I felt a buzz in my pocket. I sat down next to the brick wall of their building and answered it.

"Hey, Brianna."

"Right back at you, Joshua."

"Fine, I won't call you Brianna, Ria."

"Good decision Josh. Anyway, thanks for coming on the trip in the first place, especially since you haven't seen your family in ages. It wouldn't have been the same without you."

"Thanks, I guess."

"Josh I-"

"Listen, Ria, I really have to go. I'm at my brother's place, but I'll call you back."

"All right then. Bye Josh."

"Goodbye, Ria."

Jogging up the steps, I rang the bell, and was greeted by my family and their friends.

Blue backpack swung over my shoulder, white dress shirt, and black pants, I felt a little underdressed. Everyone was wearing some type of suit or dress.

Still, it felt great to see them all.

Auggie is no more the little boy I knew; he's an independent teen.

Riley is a smart young woman.

Cory- well, Cory's still Cory.

I leant against the fridge, tired from the long drive. Hopefully I can find a job in New York.

Then she walked in.

Tired from running up the stairs and leaning against the door, she greeted everyone. Her dirty blonde hair was up in a ponytail, wavy curls framing her face. Deep blue eyes sparkled with happiness as she made small chat with relatives I'm sure she couldn't know. She looked as beautiful as always, maybe even prettier, in a dark red dress and black boots that are so... her.


Maya Hart- no, Hunter.

Our eyes locked. I stared into the depths of her eyes, admiring the contrasting flecks of silver.

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