Ooo meeting ya beb Peter

411 4 3

takes place 10 years from when the show is set so you ain't a pedo hes like 18-20 not really sure how old he's meant to be

Opening the door, you slid the prepacked boxes into the car boot. inhaling deeply you reminded yourself that Ashton University would be worth the move. You turned to look at your childhood home and parents at the door step, a bittersweet smile on your lips. The proud looks on their faces assured you you were doing the right thing. You opened the front door of your car, climbing in as you you waved goodbye.

It couldn't have been more than 15 miles from home before your car's engine spluttered and came to a halt. you groaned in annoyance as cars on the highway beeped at you for stopping in the middle of the road. 

"stupid cheap piece of junk" you muttered, getting out of the car. Taking your phone out of your back pocket to call your mum, you watched cars speed past. You tapped your foot impatiently like a closer in a papa's pizzaria game as the phone rang. 

"The fuck you want?" you're chainsmoking mother said from the other end.

"me car broke down..." you answered glumly, awaiting her reply.

replacing the expected reply you heard a beeping signaling she'd ended the call.

"thanks" you said sarcastically to no one in particular.

You jumped at someone MUCH shorter than you's tap on the shoulder. You turned around ready to spin kick a kid but found a short young man around your age. His blonde perm reminded you of the film 'Gremlins' for some reason. 

"hello, I noticed you're having some trouble with your car" he said in his impossibly cheery voice, almost seeming to mock you.

"I am..and what of it?" you snarled, pretty sure you could yeet all 4 foot 3 of him if ya wanted. A smile spread on your face as you imagined murdering this annoying twerp.

"Well I know a thing or two about cars, I could take a look at it." again his annoying, trill voice made you want to yeet him. however, not wanting to be stuck on the side of this road for hours made you resist the irresistible. 

You nodded at him, not willing to communicate with lesser lifeforms. 

He nods back and gets to work on your car but not before pulling of his shirt,hoping to impress you, but failing completely with his laughable figure

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jun 24, 2019 ⏰

Idagdag ang kuwentong ito sa iyong Library para ma-notify tungkol sa mga bagong parte!

perfect peter x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon