Everything became black

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"Finally you are here," said Rosie

"what happened? why did you say urgent?" Said I

"I want to talk about yesterday, about the party"

"Wh-what happened there?"

"After you're gone. Alan was behaving very strange, I tried to talk to him but he ignored us, I think something is strange" said Ellen.

"What do you mean," said I.

"Dylan! He is very rich and once went to rehabilitation. He's not a good person, and he had a black history" said Rosie.

"I guess you're right you've had a stalker and he is giving every update to somebody," said Ellen.

My heart skipped a beat when she said about the stalker.

"I'm getting late and Meera stay alert," said Ellen.

"I coming and Meera take care of yourself," said Rosie.

Ellen and Rosie left afterwards.

After listening to them I was terrified. I was thinking "now what, what should I do? should I go to the police? will they believe that I have a stalker? I don't even have evidence to show them. I better go home and then talk to my parents about it".

I was on my way when everything became black.

Somebody splashed water on my face, my pulse rate was fast. I began huffing and my eyes were covered, I was tied in an uncomfortable chair.

"Where the hell I am," I said.

I could felt the presence of 2-3 man in the room.

"Wait, my queen, everything will be clear," said the stranger.

"Shut the f up, untie me," said I.

Somebody pulled my hair harshly and said: "if you say one more thing I'll shoot you right here".

I heard, the door opened and somebody said:" leave her, she is mine from now".

"Wait, don't leave me alone please," said I.

Everyone left I was crying from inside out "where I am? what they'll do with me?" these questions were coming on my head.

I could hear the footsteps, he was coming to me, he stood in front of me then he moved again and stopped behind me.

He was close to me that I could feel his breath on my neck. I tried to move but I couldn't. He touched my shoulder and then they begin to rub my shoulder.

"You must be a tired wait for me I have to complete the paperwork then I'll bring you heaven tonight".

He closed the door and I was in the room all alone with a blindfold on.

He was Dylan I remembered his voice and his words were choking me.

I was thinking I never ever thought that Dylan would come out like this. He seems like a bad person I don't want to sleep with him I want to go back to my parents.

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