The "Friend"

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I watched Josh dissolve into the large crowds. Sighing, I glanced at the time. The digital digits read 9:47.

Great. Not even ten yet.

Tapping my foot impatiently, I thought about my current animating project. It's a couple's love story, and their family is paying good money to have it for the wedding.

Boy meets girl. Boy secretly has feelings for girl. Girl makes feelings known. Boy leaves for years. Boy comes back. Girl has boyfriend. Girl breaks up with boyfriend. Boy reveals feelings. Girl and boy get married.

I feel like I've seen that somewhere.

Oh, that reminds me. There was that one video on animation I've been meaning to watch.

I turned on my phone, but the image of Brandon and I makes me shut it quickly. Guess I forgot to change it.

My eyes search for Josh through the large assortment of people. Instead of landing on a blue-eyed, brown haired man, I find a head of black, spiky hair and ebony eyes.

Absolutely wonderful.

Brandon finds me and walks over.

I don't know how to feel about this anymore.

Ever since our last meeting, I didn't think I should feel angry. Or happy. So what was I supposed to feel?

"Hey, Maya." Brandon said, and we looked at each other. I stared into his eyes, watching the gold flecks fade in the light.


Internal me is right. I looked down for a second, before gazing at him coldly.

"What do you want?" I said, mentally scolding myself.

All he wants is to talk.

But walls are necessary if we want to prevent another sob story.

What about being friends?

You can't have a friendship without trust.

Fine. But go a little easier?

Sure, bud.

"I, um, was wondering if you've decided yet?" He said, clearly nervous.

"Look, I told you that I would contact you if I did."

    I spotted Josh with his arm around some tall, brown haired and blue eyed girl. Clearly older and prettier than I. Was she the reason we came here?

"Maya?" Brandon said, trying to attract my attention.

I scanned the crowd, looking for an excuse to get him to leave. Ah, there it is.

"Brandon, I don't have time for this right now. Besides, isn't your girlfriend waiting for you?" I said, gesturing to an unfortunately dressed Rooster.

"Maya, I swear, Lindsey isn't-"

"Just go, Brandon."

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