027. summer is here

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"—and as your guardian, I'm saying you're not going."

Tomorrow was exactly two months since Odin left and therefore tomorrow was the day that Odin wanted Raleigh Ridley to meet with his sons, Thor and Loki. Ever since the elder left, he had been both excited to meet Thor Odinson, but also nervous since he knew Odin's days were limited. To say he was less excited to meet Loki was an understatement. The only thing he associated with the God was that he had tried to take over New York and killed hundreds of innocent bystanders on his quest to power. Perhaps the fact that Raleigh never had much interest in getting to know his biological parents were adding into his disinterest in Loki. No matter, he still wondered a little on knowing if Loki was the same Loki that attacked New York City.

Loki was the main reason why Trystan Dagher was so insistent on keeping Raleigh away from the meeting spot. It was new for both of them since Trystan had never said no to him before on something so serious and Raleigh was beginning to understand why teens disobeyed their parents.

"I can handle myself!" Raleigh argued, crossing his arms over his chest defiantly. "Odin asked me to do this for him. I need to do it."

Trystan ran a hand down his face. "Raleigh, stop, I'm not going to change my mind."

Angry, Raleigh marched through the front door, making sure to slam it shut behind him. He immediately regretted the action, though, when he saw one of his neighbors standing by her front door, holding a bag of groceries and staring in surprise at the teenage boy. He grimaced and apologized to her, before walking to the stairs and out of his apartment.

He didn't know where he was going, but his feet were leading him in the direction of Peter's apartment. His friend had told him he would be hanging out with Ned today, doing son Star Wars puzzle, and that he would invite him but Raleigh had made it clear that he knew very little about the movie franchise. Despite that, it seemed he was inviting himself to the party, and at the moment, he didn't care if it annoyed his two friends.

The walk didn't feel as long as it usually did to him since his mind was replaying his constant arguments with Trystan. He walked into the elevator and pushed the number to his friend's floor. The place was empty since it was a Thursday afternoon during the summer and most people were either out or at work. Once the doors opened to Parker's floor, he walked through the hallway and to the boy's door.

He stared at the door for a while and for the first time he wondered if it was okay for him to intrude on the two's party. His hand drifted over the door and bit his lip in thought. He didn't want to annoy them, but he also didn't have anywhere to go. After another moment of hesitation, he finally knocked.

A confused shout echoed from inside the apartment telling Raleigh to hold on, followed by crashing and stomps through the residence house. It went quiet for a second, before the release of a lock sounded and the door opened.

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