When You Turn Into A Neko

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(A/N: Requested by Jessica-2433Skittlelover69, and ClairesC462. Oh my, I didn't expect for this scenario to be quite longer than the last one [I apologize for that haha '^^]. So once again, enjoy the long ride as you read along with the story. As  always, I hope you guys enjoy and happy reading!)


"Where did this beautiful feline come from?"

"I don't know but I want to keep her!"

"Hey, what if it's owned by someone...like Aizawa-sensei?"

"Is he even a cat person though?"

Left to right, a bunch of students started commented after seeing my "re-appearance".

'Dammit, it must be the quirk. I need to find my bag so I can contact anyone from my class'

I scampered through the halls to find my classroom.

Since this form is very useful in terms of size, I tend to hide in small holes or maybe under the table.

The moment I finally arrived in the floor where my classroom is, I heard footsteps coming this way.

My heart skipped a bit and the moment I turned around, it was Todoroki and Kirishima talking while strolling in the hall.

"A cat, you say?", Todoroki asked.

"Yeah! One of the students from Class B are talking about during lunch!", Kirishima exclaimed, "Man, it was very strange though. How come it became thing?".

My dual haired boyfriend just shrugged and replied, "Who knows. Maybe that cat is different than other cats".

The two of them just continued talking and they didn't even noticed that I'm there.

'Maybe I should grab their attention', I thought and gulped, 'But how will I convince them that it's me? Hmm..Oh!'.

Since they don't notice me yet, I had an idea.


Dammit, I'm going to regret this.

The two men stopped talking and finally noticed my presence.

"Speaking of the cat, it's here!", Kirishima said and crouched down, "Come here".

The red headed boy tried to convince me to approach him but I decided to do the opposite.

I went towards the unlocked  classroom door and this made the boys react slightly.

"Hey, wait!", I heard my boyfriend calling my attention before following me suit.

"Why's it going there?", said Kirishima, following the dual haired boy.

Todoroki Shoto Boyfriend / Husband Scenarios (Todoroki X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now