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Elena and I wait a while before Elijah wakes up with a gasp. When he does we rush over to him. When he sees Elena and I he's shocked.
   "Katerina." He says with a gasp.
  "Elijah, its's me. It's Elena." She whispers. "Please. Shh." She says because if the boys hear us we'll be dead.
   "Oh, my god." He breathes out. It looks like he passes out and Elena goes to touch him when he turns over and we both jump back.
   "I can't- I can't breathe. What's happened to me?" He asks us and we have no idea. He tries to run but goes right into the wall We go to help him. "I can't.. I can't be in this house." He tells us.
   "You're not invited in." Elena realizes.
   "You need to get me out of here." He says and then he runs out. We look at each other before running upstairs to the front door. When we get there Elijah tries to enter the house and fails.
   "What happened?" He asks and we both shush him.
   "We'll tell you. Not here. Can I trust you?" Elena whispers.
   "Can I trust you?" He asks us in a whisper.
I look at her and motion from her to him. As in give him the damn dagger, and she hands it over and he takes it. We leave and we make out way to the Lockwood's house.
   "You look better." Elena says as Elijah finishes a blood bag.
   "Where did you get the dagger?" Elijah asks.
   "We'll tell you everything. But we have to work together Elijah. I need your word." Elena tells him.
   "And I want answers." I tell him and he looks back at me and then to Elena again.
   "Your ability to make demands has long passed." He tells her.
   "No demands. I'm offering you my help. And in return, I want yours." Elena tells him.
  "Well, one demand. I want answers." I say leaning into the middle of the seats from the back and he smiles at me before looking down.
   "And why should I even consider this?" He asks her.
   "The same reason that you haven't killed me. You need my help to kill Klaus. And I need you." She tells him and her phone starts vibrating so she picks up. She talks to Stefan over the phone and then when she hangs up he holds his hand out for her phone. She hands it over and then he looks back at me.
   "I don't have mine. It's back at the house." I tell him and he still looks at me. "Promise. I don't have it." I say and he nods.
   "He's here." Elena tells him.
   "Klaus is here?" Elijah asks.
  "Yep, and he's in my Dad's body. Ric." I tell him.
   "Of course he has. One of his favorite tricks." He tells us.
   "Well what are his other tricks? What is he going to do next? You're the only one who knows him." Elena asks.
   "Yes I do." He says and gets out of the car and we follow him up to the Lockwood's door. We knock and Mrs. Lockwood answers.
   "Elijah, Phoebe, Elena what are you doing here? What happened?" She asks us.
   "I've had bit of an incident, Carol. I'm hopping you could help." Elijah tells her.
   "Well I'm on my way to a meeting, so I-" She starts but he cuts her off.
   "I won't take but a minute of your time." He compels her and she lets us in.
   "Of course. Anything you need." She tells him.
   "Thank you. Well, firsts thing first. I'm going to need a change of clothing." He tells her.
   "Well, we can try one of my husbands suits. I haven't boxed them up yet." She tells him.
   "How did you know she's not on vervain?" Elena asks him.
  "Because I'm the one who got her off it. Right before you and your friends killed me. Twice." He says.
   "Well, to be far, we brought you back." I tell him with a small smile. 
   "If you'll excuse me, I'll be down in a moment." He tells us and goes upstairs to change.

   "So I assume that the Martin witches are no longer with us." Elijah says as we sit in the study at the Lockwood's.
   "No. I'm sorry." Elena apologizes.
   "And Katerina. She would have been released from my compulsion when I died." He tells us and I nod.
  "Klaus took her. We think that she may be dead." Elena tells him.
  "I doubt that. Not Klaus' style. Death would be too easy for her after what she did." Elijah tells us.
   "I don't understand. You say that you want Klaus dead, But you still made Katherine pay for betraying him." Elena says.
   "I have my own reasons for wanting Katerina to pay. There was a time... I'd have done anything for Klaus."He tells us and then hoes on to tells us he's his brother.
   "Yes, Klaus is my brother." He says again.
   "I heard that. I'm still processing." Elena tells him.
   "Yes, I'm a little behind on the times, but I believe the term you're searching for is O.M.G." He says and I laugh.
   "There's a whole family of originals?" Elena asks him.
   "My father was a wealthy land owner in a village in eastern Europe. Our mother bore 7 children." He tells us.
   "So your parents were human?" Elena asks.
  "Our whole family was. Our origin as vampires is a very long story, Elena. Just know.. we're the oldest vampires in the world. We are the original family and from us all, vampires were created." He tells us.
   "Right, but Klaus is your brother. And you want him dead?" Elena asks him in disbelief.
   "I need some air. I'm still feeling a tad... dead. Come." He tells us and I laugh as I follow him out the back door into the Lockwood's many acres of land. "So as you've seen. Nothing can kill an Original. Not sun, not fire, not even a werewolf bite. Only the wood from one tree. And my family made sure it burned." He tells us.
  "That's where the white ash, for the dagger comes from." Elena puts two and two together.
   "Yes. Witches won't let anything truly immortal to walk the earth. Every creature needs to have a weakness in order to maintain the balance." He says.
   "So if the sun can't kill an original, why is Klaus so obsessed with breaking the sun and the moon curse?" Elena asks.
   "Right. The curse of the sun and the moon. All so biblical sounding.. don't you think?" He asks us.
  "What's so funny?" Elena asks him and he proceeds to tell us that Klaus drew the aztec drawings.
   "I don't understand.. So Klaus drew the Aztec sketches about the curse?" Elena asks him.
   "Roman scrolls, African tribal etchings, and any other culture or continent we felt like planting in it." He says.
   "But why?"
   "The easiest way to discover the existence of a doppelgänger or to get your hands on some long lost moonstone is to have every single member of two warring species on the lookout for it." He explains.
   "So it's not Aztec at all?" Elena asks.
  "The curse of the sun and the moon.. is fake. It doesn't exists." He tells us.
   "What?" Elena and I ask shocked and run after him.
   "Klaus and I faked the sun and the moon curse dating back over a thousand years."
   "But if there's no curse.."
  "There's a curse. Just not that one. The real one's much worse. It's a curse places on Klaus." He tells us.
   "What are you talking about?"
   "Klaus has been trying to break it for the last thousand years. You were his only hope. Your phone will not stop this incessant buzzing. Answer it please." He says handing her the phone and she does answer it.
    "Klaus went after Jenna. We have to go to her." She tells him.
   "I'm afraid that wasn't part of today's arrangement." He tells her.
   "She's my family Elijah. I have to. I'll be back. You have my word." She says.
   "That doesn't mean anything to me until you live up to it." He tells her and she takes my hand to walk away until I stop her.
   "I'm staying Elena. I've been searching for answers for too long. And now Elijah is here and he has them." I tell her and she's resistant but she leaves without me. I turn back to Elijah and he smiles at me. "Now how about those answers?" I ask and he nods. "So am I like Elena? A doppelgänger of Naomi?" I ask him and he shakes his head.
    "No, you are a reincarnation of her. In a sense, you are Naomi. You just have none of her memories." He tells me.
   "How can I be her? How is that possible?" I ask him.
   "You're the same as her. You are kind and smart. But you are also strong and brave and honest. And I believe you are the only good left in Niklaus." He tells me. "You look like her because that's how it works. You just have none of her memories." He tells me.
    "So how did Naomi, or me, know you and your family?" I ask him.
   "When my parents lived in Europe, one of their children died of plague. So her friend told her of a place where people were healthier, stronger faster. We moved here and she bore more children. Niklaus and myself included. Once a month the men would turn into beasts and we would go down into the caves for safety. My brother Henrik and Niklaus snuck out one time to watch them. Henrik was killed and my father's pride got the best of him. He demanded that my mother, who was a witch, cast a spell. To make us stronger, faster. So one night at dinner, she laced our wine with blood. And then my father ran a sword through our hearts." He tells me.
    "So, that's how your family is the first. You guys were made into vampires." I conclude and he nods. "So where do I fall into the story?" I ask him.
   "While we were here before we were vampires. Naomi was staying here with a family, close friends to us. You were close with my sister, Rebekah." He tells me.
   "Tatia and beks. Those are the only two names in her diaries." I tell him.
   "Tatia was like a sister to Naomi." He tells me. "We all got pretty close, but you and Niklaus shared a connection. You two started to see each other, in secret of course. My parents would have never approved. They were fine with our friendship, but they would never stand for a relationship like yours. So the night we were turned, my father drove a sword through your heart. However, your wine was not laced with blood. You were dead. Once my mother saw how heartbroken he was, how much he had loved you. She cast a spell, one that would make sure that you returned." He tells me.
    "So, that's how I'm her? What about the curse on Klaus, what's that?" I ask him.
    "After Niklaus's first kill, he started to turn. He had the werewolf gene. It turns out, my mother had an affair with one of the men in the village. My father went and killed the man, then he made my mother put a curse on Niklaus. One that keeps his werewolf side dormant. And then he killed her. While my brother watched." He says.
   "Oh, my god. That's horrible." I say with a gasp and he smiles. "What?" I ask him.
   "It's just that.. Even after everything we have done. Everything Klaus is still doing, you still find a way to feel bad." He tells me.
   "No one is born evil, life just makes them that way sometimes. Plus, no matter what Klaus is trying to do, he must have done something to deserve Naomi's love." I say and he smiles wider.
    "You are just like her. It's unbelievable." He tells me.
   "I'll take that as a complement." I say with a smile.
   "It's is. Of the highest order. There was no one like her." He tells me. "Except for you, who is literally her." He says and we walk up the steps of the house. Elena returns and Elijah tells her about the curse put on Klaus. He also adds in that he found a way to save the doppelgänger. We make our way back to the Salvatore Boarding house to find Stefan and Damon fighting.
   "Stop!" Elena yells at them and they turn to look at us.
   "Now you've invited him in?" Damon asks.
   "Elijah and I have renewed the terms of our deal." Elena tells them.
   "Really?" Damon asks.
   "The two of you will come to no harm at my hands. I only ask for one thing in return." Elijah promises them.
   "An apology." He tells them.
  "A what?" Damon asks.
  "I'm sorry for the part that I played in your death. I was protecting Elena. I will always protect Elena." Stefan tells Elijah.
   "I understand." He says and then we all look at Damon.
   "Sacrifice is going to happen Damon. Bonnie will be able to kill Klaus without hurting herself and Elijah knows how to save my life. I told you I'd find another way. And I did." She tells him.
   "Is that true?" He asks Elijah.
   "It is." He says.
   "And you're trusting him?"
  "I am." She says
   "You can all go to hell."  He says and walks out of the room.
   "He's angry with me right now, but he'll come around." Stefan tells Elijah.
   "Perhaps." Elijah says.

The Saltzman Girl// Sequel to The Other Gilbert GirlWhere stories live. Discover now