85. P.S. I Hate You

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Stefan was dead. It wasn't a trick of the light, or a small mistake that could be rectified. He wasn't hiding, or invisible, or playing a joke on them. He was dead. Gone.

And with his death, came the influx of the travelers.

Liz and Riley drove to the border of Mystic Falls as Markos's travelers entered.

"It is a good day, Sheriff," he said happily.

"Maybe for you," Liz said discontentedly. "It took me all night to evacuate the 10-mile civilian radius around the town square. The gas leak excuse won't keep our residents away for long."

Riley noticed two men moving the position of the 'Welcome To Mystic Falls' sign. "What are they doing?"

"Our desire was to end spirit magic everywhere," he reminded her. "As you can see, we hit a snag."

"A snag," Riley gave a humorless chuckle. "I'm sorry that one of my best friends dying was such an inconvenience for you."

"An inconvenience, yes," Markos said, seemingly ignoring her sarcasm. "We've reset the official border of Mystic Falls to where the spell begins."

"You moved your travelers into a town that's home to a lot of vampires. Do you really think that moving a sign is gonna stop them from tearing you apart?" Riley raised an eyebrow, knowing that he must have had it all figured out. Markos had gone through a lot of trouble to rid the town of magic.

He chuckled. "I know that you think your friend Damon can come save the day. Let me give an example of why that would be... unwise."

He walked them to the edge of the border, where a black van was waiting. The doors opened abruptly, and two men came out, bringing with them a familiar face.

"Tyler!" Liz exclaimed. Riley shook her head.

"That's Julian now," she informed her stepmom. "Aka the guy that killed Stefan."

Markos nodded. "Which stopped the spell. This man is a traitor."

Julian fought against his captors. "You think you're some great leader because you pillage a helpless town? That makes you king now? Sorry, your highness, but I don't buy it."

Markos smirked. "That's because you haven't set foot inside my kingdom."

With these words, the two men pushed a fighting Julian over the border of Mystic Falls. At first, nothing happened. Then he started to change. His eyes turned yellow, and then back to their original color, indicating that he had lost Tyler's Hybrid nature. Then his fangs disappeared. His skin began to burn in the sunlight, and lastly, his neck broke of its own accord. He was dead.

"Oh my God," Liz said under her breath.

Riley looked at the body. It was easy now to divorce the idea of Julian with the reality of Tyler's dead body. Another person that they weren't getting back.

Her phone rang and she delayed in answering it, assuming that it would be Caroline. She didn't want to be the one to tell her sister that he was dead. But instead, it was her mother.

"Mom? Is everything OK?"

"Everything's fine, sweetheart," her mom said. "I just haven't spoken to you since... y'know, the Augustine thing. Are you still mad?"

Riley sighed, looking again at the dead body. "I'm mad at the grandmother that I never met. But I'm not angry with you, mom. Life's too short, and I don't want to spend any more time being angry with you."

Her mom breathed a sigh of relief. "Good. Because, everything's over. What's left of Augustine has been destroyed, and I'm dropping my vendetta against the vampires."

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