Eternal Love - Part 2

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Once again, life resumed when she woke up in his strong arms. Hazel eyes met grey, lips clashed in a kiss perfected in the many lifetimes they'd spent together.

"I've missed you," she whimpered against the heat of his mouth.

He captured her face between his rough fingers. "I'm sorry," he told her over and over, punctuated by kisses that tasted salty with her tears. "I wish I could stay with you."

"Don't—" She arched under the touch of his fingers. "We have one year. Three hundred sixty-five days. Five hundred thousand minutes to spend together in this life. Don't apologise for something you have no control over. The only thing I want you to apologise for is not kissing me right now."

She yanked his head back down and tried to forget the ticking clock that ruled their love.

Five hundred thousand minutes later, she watched another pyre. No matter how often she watched him die, watched his soul leave the husk of the body he'd inhabited in this lifetime, tears stained her cheeks and would continue for as long as she was doomed to walk the earth without him. Until the next lifetime.

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