[will be rewriten soon due to poor grammar and other writing mistakes including mistakes in storyline]
{go check out the youtube version if you like~ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJIaIeE2KCH3EyMfyZeMtSRiAvojj25NQ }
Who is in control?
Its strange.. just like when you look in bambam's eyes you felt like all strength left your body.
You were completely powerless.
Your body reacted at Gehan moving his fingers.
He made you stand up and walk behind him.
Y/N: *thinks* good thing i can still think clearly.
Y/N: *thinks* i need to get away.. but how..
Y/N: *thinks* maybe this works the same as bambam's power?
You tried to bite your tongue and luckily and for some reason you could move you jaw.
You bit your tongue.
You had pain but.. you didn't snap out of it.
Gehan: my powers aren't like those low rank vampires... you stupid girl.
Y/N: *thinks* aw dammit..
Gehan walked through a few darks halls with open sides.
The moon's glow was strong and blood red.
Y/N: *thinks* why did they take me here.. (got7) are they servants of him? But what about the others then..(bts) oh right they were just in the castle.. i never saw the rest of in the castle but they were just guests there i guess.. or something like that.
Gehan opened a door that leaded to a big room.
Y/N: *thinks* jesus how big is this place even?
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Gehan walked forward and your lifeless body followed.
When he was in the middle of the circle on the ground he stopped.
Gehan: stay still here.
Your body stopped moving and froze while he walked further up the stairs to the throne.
He sat down on the throne.
Gehan: now let us begin.
You heard things rattle left and right.
You couldn't move your head so you couldn't see what it was.
You felt something cold touch both of your wrists (yes you can still feel things).
It felt like metal.
You heard it click open of something and you felt it move around your wrist.
And another click and it got tighter.
You saw out of nowhere a chain appear.
It floated closer to your head and moved down to your neck.
You felt it tighten on your neck.
You were stuck probably..
All of a sudden a red light fell down on you.
For some reason you could move again and you quickly looked up.
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A blood red moon.
You were in the middle of its light.
Gehan: now.. feel the power.. feel it.
You didn't feel anything..
You tried to move around but the chains on your wrist and neck were too tight.
All of a sudden it felt like something was crawling up your back.
Not an animal.. it felt like it was something through your veins again.
Once it reached your neck it slowly moved to your face.
Your eyesight became blurry slowly.
A weird anger slowly build up inside of you but where did all this rage come from..
You couldn't control it.
Your body began to move on its own.
Your body was pulling on the chains, trying to probably break free.
You began to yell/scream all of a sudden.
Gehan was standing up from his throne spreading his arms.
Gehan: YES! Come to me!
Gehan: let your true self take over!
You noticed your mind becoming numb.. your thoughts weren't your own.
Y/N: *thinks* I cant... let this thing take over..
Y/N: *thinks* it will probably be no good... for the others
You felt the same as in your body.. blood streaming but this time through your brain.
Everything went black...
"It's too late" . . . . . . THANK you all soooo much for being patient!
Im sorry for the late update i have been busy with school a lot and for some parts of this scene i didnt know what to do.
And yes i know its short and for that i'll try to make an update "tomorrow"