Chapter 24

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It was Saturday and the time is two in the afternoon, Phillis was just lounging on the couch while Philip's inside the studio. After Philip was checking the equipments in the studio, he went to his room and changed his clothes while texting with Spain. He wore a black shirt with three stars and a sun on it and a nice pair of denim jeans, he also wore his neck bandana to complete his look.

Philip went down and checked the time on his phone, and it's already 2:30pm. Phillis looked at her brother and whistled at him, which got Philip's attention.

Phillis: "Ang gwapo naman ni Kuya Oh..excited ka na ba sa date mo~"

Philip rolled his eyes and pinched his sister's cheek, and Phillis yelped. Philip stopped and chuckled a bit while Phillis rubbed her cheek.

Philip: "Are you sure okay ka lang dito magisa sa bahay, Phillis?"

Phillis: "Opo Kuya, pang limang beses ka na sige tanong saakin..may problema ba?"

Philip: "Wa-wala naman, just making sure that's all"

Phillis looked at Philip with curiousity, she could've swore that there's something suspicious about her brother but imidiately shrug it off. Phillis hugged Philip and he hugged back.

Phillis: "Bye-bye Kuya Philip!! Ingat!!"

Philip: "Paalam Phillis, ingat ka rin dito. Take care of Agila for me"

After that Philip closed the door and puts his shoes on, ready to go to the park.

~time skip~

Philip's now at the park sitting on a bench, waiting for his boyfriend. He likes to go to the park, seeing all the plants and trees, and even the other countries passing by. Philip's phone rang and he quickly answered it.

Spain: "Hey there Philip, where are ya?"

Philip: "I'm waiting for you here near the lake, sitting on a bench...and also where are you?!"

Spain: "I'm almost there mi amor~"

Philip: "Alright..see ya"

Philip hung up and puts his phone back inside his pocket. After a few minutes later Philip saw Spain running towards him, Spain was a panting mess. When Spain calmed himself down Philip went over to him, feeling a bit concerned.

Philip: "Why are you running-"

Spain: "Come on, let's go Philp"

Philip: "Woah...what's the rush?"

Spain: "I wanna show you something special"

Philip lets out a curious yet confused face, Spain grabbed his arm and ran through the trees. Philip had a bit of a bad feeling about this, but doesn't mind it.

~somewhere at the park~

Spain was covering Philip's eyes while they both kept on walking forward.

Philip: "Spain what is this about, really..."

Spain: "We're here!! Just close your eyes for a bit, and don't open them until I tell you"

Spain let's go of Philip's eyes and left him for a few seconds, Philip feels nervous all of a sudden and starts to regret this so called 'date'.


Spain shouted loudly. Philip clenched his fists and slowly opened his eyes, and when they're fully opened he saw a beautiful and huge Narra tree. Philip walked closer to it and was greeted by Spain on top of one of the branches.

Spain: "Sorprende mi amor~"

Philip: "'d you know I love Narra Spain?"

Spain: "With a little help of your sister of course..."

Spain scratched his head and blushed a bit while looking away, Philip just sighed and puts his hands on his hips. He thanked him, his cheeks blushed bright red.

Spain: "Don't thank me just yet Philip, there is still one more thing I need to show you..."

Spain lets out both of his hands and lift Philip up, both of them are now sitting on a branch. Spain stood up and climbed up with Philip following him, going to the very top. When both of them finally made it, Philip's eyes filled with awe and wonder.

Philip: "Wow...ang ganda ng view, thanks again Spain"

Spain: "Anything for mi lindo novio~"

Spain placed his hand on the smaller countries cheek, as both of them looked each other in the eyes.

Philip: "Love you bae"

Spain: "I love you too"

The cold wind blowing, the sunlight shining bright, an amazing view in the backround, and two countries kissing lovingly. As Philip thought that could anything ruin this perfect moment.

Martial: "Maybe..."

( sorry for the slow updates now..i'm going to keep making chapters and publish them on weekends, cause school is exhausting. Hope you guys liked the chapter and see ya, THX 4 1.02K VIEWS BTW!!! )

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