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Namjoon fidgets with his fingers the whole car ride, swallowing hard when they park in the garage, his hands constantly messing with the new set of ears on top his head, eyes glued to the mirror as he watches them flicker with every little sound they pick up.

"Are you ready?" EunMin asks turning to face him, gently taking his hand as he lets out a sigh.

"Not really." He says pressing the bridge of his nose.

"Is the headache still there?" She asks, pursing her lips when he nods and shuts his eyes tightly as he leans his head back.

"Okay." She whispers turning to the boys in the back seat. "You guys can go ahead if you want," she says with a small smile, "we'll meet you inside in a bit."

The boys give her an unsure look but follow her instructions nonetheless, both casting Namjoon a worried look before they get off the car and disappear in the garage.

After laying still for a few minutes, Namjoon opens his eyes and covers his ears with the beanie, carefully tucking them in underneath to conceal them.

"Let's go." He says giving EunMin his best smile, which doesn't reach his eyes.
EunMin nods in response and together they head towards the examination area were Jin had told them the meet him the previous day.

We're here. EunMin texts noticing Jin's absence.

Good. I'm checking on some hybrids, then I'll be right with you. Jin replies.


Namjoon uncomfortably shifts on his seat as he waits for Jin to come check on him, his eyes nervously looking around as he continues to fidget with his fingers.

"How are you feeling Namjoon-ah?" Jin asks smiling at the young detective as he reads over some papers. "Any changes?"

"Uh..." Namjoon starts glancing at EunMin, who nods her head as he starts to remove the beanie. "Well....there's this."

Jin glances at the detective and almost drops his clipboard when he sees the pair of ears on top of Namjoon's head.

"When did this happen?" Jin asks quickening his steps towards the detective.

"Yesterday." Namjoon says looking at the floor.

"Are they real real?" Jin asks slowly moving Namjoon's hair to get a closer look.

"So far yes." Namjoon says with a sigh.

"Is this all?" Jin asks looking at Namjoon who nods while raising a brow in a questioning manner. "No tail?"

"N-no hyung." Namjoon says understanding what the eldest was implying. "J-just the ears."

"I see." Jin says nodding his head, scribbling down something on his notepad with a click of his pen. 

"Can I take a closer look?" Jin asks and Namjoon slowly shakes his head, lowering his head so he can take a look. Jin gently touches the pair of ears, eyes wide as they flicker under his touch, then without a warning, he yanks them, making Namjoon cry out in pain along with a small growl, surprising both of them.

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