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Veronica and Jughead were about to enter a Chili's, hands interlocked with a smile on both their faces.

"Table for two, please," Veronica smiled at the hostess. She led them to a booth— which Veronica had requested— and they sat down across from each other.

"I know you don't like coming to restaurants like this—"

"What? Why would you think that?" asked Veronica, looking around nervously.

"You grew up in a high-end family. You're not used to being at... poor people restaurants." Veronica scoffed and crossed her arms.

"Just because I'm rich doesn't mean I don't appreciate the modesty of the lower class." Jughead held back a laugh, and she looked at him with an eyebrow raise. "What?"

"The fact that you just called the customers of Chili's— me included— the 'lower class' proves you do not enjoy being here." Veronica rolled her eyes.

"I do, Jug. And I didn't mean that offensively. I love little restaurants like this." Her smile was too obviously fake, so Jughead raised his chin a bit.

"If you've been inside a Chili's, a Dairy Queen, or even a Whataburger, I will let this slide." Jughead expected her to at least have been to a Whataburger. After all, it is the best burger joint in all of America- maybe even the world.

Veronica's silence sent Jughead into a near panic mode. "What? You've never been to a Whataburger?" His voice echoed throughout Chili's and Veronica laughed, leaning across the table and putting her hand over his mouth.

"Shut up, Jones!" He took a deep breath. "Whatever. I don't have the energy to do this with you right now." Veronica cocked an eyebrow. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Just that you're too stuck up to appreciate fine dining for the fucking lower class," Jughead whisper yelled before leaving their booth and storming off.

"Where the hell are you going?"

"To the bathroom," Jughead called back. He stomped to the restroom, and just leaned up against a wooden wall. Just as he was about to open the door to the bathroom, the door had a small movement.

"Oh sorry," he immediately apologized. But he soon realized that it was a little boy, desperately trying to get the door open.

"Here," Jughead sighed, opening the door for the child. He smiled up at Jughead. "Thank you," he mumbled. Jughead gave a fake smile to the boy and just as he was about to go into the bathroom, he felt a tug on his pant leg. He turned to the boy and looked at him with narrowed eyebrows. "Whatcha doin there?" he asked with another fake grin.

"How do you spell icup?" the boy chucked at his own question. Jughead, being familiar with the stupid 'joke' crouched down to the boy and put on a fake thinking face.

"Hm, e-y-e-c-u-p." The boy's smile faltered and he looked stumped as to how he had done this. No one had ever done it before.

"You seem confused," Jughead pointed out to him. "Well, how do you spell it?" The little boy thought that maybe he should tell the man how to correctly spell it so that he gets the joke right next time.

"I-c-u-p," the boy told him. Jughead widened his eyes and dropped his jaw. "You said, 'i see you pee'! That's disgusting," Jughead said, wincing.

The poor little boy with now sad green eyes and a quivering lip, began to cry— loud. He ran away calling out, "mommy!" Jughead only stood up and smirked at the sight of what he had done to the boy. While looking to the direction of where the boy ran off to, he saw a quite angry woman who he knew as his very own girlfriend. "Shiiitttt," he muttered.

"Forsythe Pendleton Jones III, what the hell was that?" Veronica cornered Jughead and made him back up against the wall.

"Uh, babe, you're yelling," he chuckled out of fright. The little thing could get quite intimidating with her sharp eyebrows and upturned cat eyes.

"Oh no, don't babe me right now, Jones. Why the hell would you do that?" People began to come out of the bathroom, staring. The guys laughed, understanding the situation he was in with his girl. The girls laughed and some of them started to call out things like, "you go girl," "yas queen," and even, "show him who's boss!"

Of course this only riled Veronica up, making her dig her nails into Jughead forearm out of anger.

"Veronica! Goddamn, stop it!"

"No!" she yelled as if she was a whiny child.

"How could you do that to a little boy!" A passing woman gave him a weird look and Jughead pushed Veronica off of him, having had enough.

"I don't like children, okay? I just don't." Veronica took a step back. "What?"

"I'm sorry, I just... kids annoy me. And they're whiny, evil, little creatures who only burden you." Veronica blinked a few times, not believing what her boyfriend of two years had said.

"Jughead... you really don't like kids?" Jughead shook his head. "I'm sorry, I don't."

"How could you not tell me?" she screamed. "I'm sorry!" Veronica ran her fingers through her hair.

"Jughead what about when we have kids?" Jughead hesitated a moment before replying with a worried laugh. "I'm sorry, what?"

"What about when we have a kid? Or kids. Are you going to hate them?"

"Um, first of all, I did not know we were having kids— at all. But I could never hate a part of you." Jughead tried to calm the waters by tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Jughead... I don't know if I can be with someone who doesn't want to have kids." Jughead looked at the ground and hated the fact hat they were doing this near the bathrooms of a Chili's.

"Jughead... do you really not want kids with me?" Tears were grazing Veronica's eyes. Jughead shook his head eagerly. "No, no, no, if I had kids with anyone, I'd want it to be with you." He placed his hand on Veronica's cheek and she let a tear, and a smile slip.

"Wait, you're not pregnant, are you?" Veronica laughed and flashed her eyes from the ground and back to Jughead. "No, no I'm not."

Jughead let out an exasperated sigh. "Oh thank god."

"Yet," Veronica called out, walking back to their table with a smirk on her face.

"If you want, we can get a head start and leave this trashy hell hole," Veronica smirked. Jughead laughed and followed her out of the restaurant. They hadn't ordered even a glass of water, so there was no need in staying.

"Oh yeah, baby," he smiled.

"Was that a pun?" Veronica narrowed her eyes with a tight grin. He hopped onto the motorcycle and put a helmet on his head, Veronica doing the same. She tightly wrapped her arms around his waist, leaning her head on his shoulder lovingly.

"Maybe," he smirked.

just some light fluff for you hoes ☺️
(also sorry for the misleading title lolol)

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