twenty one

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*Mentions of alcohol abuse in this chapter*

A couple of hours had passed and Melissa was putting Elizabeth and Lucy to bed at around 8pm, when the front door opened, a dishevelled Olly walking in the front door, a large bottle of bourbon in his hand.

"Jack, can I crash?" He asked as he stumbled into the lounge, Ellie giving him a look of concern, She hated seeing her brothers upset.

"Yeah, why?"

"Tell you later." Olly dismissed sitting down next to Ellie, placing his arm around her and kissing her on the forehead. "Hi."

"Hi?" She replied, looking curiously at him. "You okay?"

"Fine. I'm just brilliant. Who's the kid?" Her brother asked, looking over at Peter, studying him.

"That's Peter, don't change the subject." Ellie scolded, as Olly led back on the sofa placing his legs in his sisters lap.

"I'm gonna head to bed." Peter said, not wanting to be apart of this conversation.

"Okay, could you check on Harry for me just to make sure he's asleep?" Ellie asked, as Peter stood up.

"Of course, Night."

"Night honey." She smiled as he walked out of the room.

"Once again, who's the kid?" Olly repeated.

"What the hell's wrong with you?" Jack questioned, cutting to the chase.

"Nothing, I'm great." Olly slurred.

"You're drunk." Ellie mumbled, it was pretty obvious, he had a bottle of bourbon in his hands.

"Ding ding. 20 points to Ellie." He replied sarcastically, placing the bottle to his lips.

"What happened?"


"What happened to Anna?" Ellie asked.

"We had a fight, she thinks I'm working too many hours." He told his siblings, taking a swig of the bottle in his hand. "She said I was being selfish and that I don't care about my family."

"Well, that's obviously bullshit!" Jack exclaimed, "Of course you care about your family."

"People say things in the spur of the moment, things they don't mean." Ellie expressed.

"I can't exactly cut down my hours, I'm a doctor for God's sake." Olly complained.

"I assume you aren't working tomorrow." Jack mused.

"Nope." He answered, popping the 'p'.

"You'll work it out." Ellie reassured him as Melissa walked, sitting next to Jack, leaning back against him.

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