Q and A!

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Silica: Hey guys it's yo gurl-

Violet: shut up.

Silica: >:o

Nori: So today, we're doing a Q and A! With everyone!

Silver: Why am I here?

Nori: Cuz wynaut.

Cobalt: Can we...start?

Nori: yup.

To author: how did you find out about Wattpad?

Nori: I'll just answer for her. So, the author was searching up images of Agent 3 x 8...

Silica: Awkward...

Kari: >:o


Nori: And she found a cover of a Splatoon fanfiction on Wattpad!

Carbon: Yay?

Nori: Let's just go onto the next question.

To author: what was one of the first wattpad stories you ever read?

Violet: Obviously that weird Agent 8 x 3 story!

Kari:... >:(

Nori: actually, no. It's Better Times, by Marie.

Nori: next question!

To Silica:


Nori: Yes, you~

Has Silver been taking care of you for all of your life? Do you find her annoying in any way, or do you two have a good relationship?

Silver: I'm not annoying.

Silica: No! She's not annoying! She's kinda been a mother to me-

Silver: >:0

Silica: >:3

Violet: ;-;

Silica: My parents died in a tsunami, so Silver took care of me. I could say we have a good relationship.

Nori: Dang. 

Cobalt: Woah, are you okay?

Silica: Yes?


To Nori: Why did you feel you had to hide your true octoling self? Was Sora okay with this, or did she think you hiding this was strange at all?

Nori: Pssh.

Sora: Nori came here before Marina did.

Marina: Ooh, I didn't know that!

Nori: Octolings weren't accepted yet, so I used a wig. Sora came here wayyy after, so no one really minded.

Sora: Author says she will make a backstory book for all ocs!

Silica: Let's move on, we are running out of time.

To Cobalt: How do you think it will work out with you having two crushes? Do you think they will FIGHT over you?

Cobalt: O///O

Silica: ...


Kari: Huh? What's a crush?

Ray: nothing.

Silica: -///-

Violet: Jeez it's not like I even like him-


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