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      "I think we should split into two groups," V rumbled from behind the drivers seat next to Nero, looking out over the abandoned streets.

"And cover more ground." Nero finished, swinging his legs down from the dashboard. He made for Nico, who quickly set down Megs sword to raise up his new arm. "Good idea."

Meg stole his seat and rested her elbows on her knees, leaning forward to converse with V. A loud sigh escaped her nose and she brushed a bit of sleep from her eye. A quick two-hour power nap never hurt anyone, and it definitely did her some good.

"You look..." V tried to find the word, tilting his head slightly. "Refreshed."

"I could use a shower too," Meg scoffed, slicking back the loose strands of hair from her ponytail. She sighed. "Win some, lose some. A nap is good enough for me."

"How long do you usually go without rest?" V questioned innocently, leaning his shoulder against the drivers tanned leather seat.

"Since the demon levels spiked, I'd have to say twenty-three to thirty-six hour intervals. With anywhere between two and ten hours of sleep between them." Meg rested her chin in her palm. Her sleepy eyes caught his, snaring him in her intricate emerald orbs. A flash of color and she shut her lids, resting her muscles for just a moment longer.

V questioned his own impulsive thoughts. He gave into them rather quickly, raising his frail hand to gently rub at a patch of soiled skin on Meg's cheek. Her eyes snapped open as he made contact, and she batted away his hand with a glare. V smiled and motioned to the same spot on his face.

"Dried demon blood, back from when we met." He explained, and she grumbled. Forcefully rubbing at her cheek, she succeeded in ridding nearly all the residue. V chuckled lightly, eying a small patch that remained stuck. "You missed a spot."

She rubbed her cheek again. 

"Nope, still there."

She rubbed a larger area, pale skin turning pink from the friction.

"You keep missing it."

"Goddammit, V." Meg scowled, using both hands. V kept his easy smile, reaching forward once again.

He batted away her callus hands, absentmindedly bringing his thumb to his lips. A short lick to wet his finger and he gently pressed against her cheekbone, sliding off the minuscule flake of caked blood. Meg scowled in disgust, bringing her sleeve to wipe where he touched as V chuckled and cleaned his finger on his pant leg.

"That's fucking disgusting."

An image flashed before Megs eyes, a pale man wiping something from her cheek, but quickly disappeared. Nico approached, and Meg leaned back, watching as V directed his attention towards her.

"My grandmother was called the '.45 Caliber Virtuoso'.... Legendary gunsmith..."

Meg was watching but her mind was elsewhere, distant from the woman rambling about her family history and aspirations. V noticed the faraway look in her eyes, and wondered if he had been the reason she was remembering. She was snapped from her thoughts by Nico, who sat down on the couch.

"Sword and hooks on the table, Meg. Go on and get 'em." Nico's smiled words had Meg speed walking towards her possessions, turning them over in her hands before latching them in their places. V stood, parting his lips to speak and waving away Nico's cigarette smoke.

"I'll take my leave now. And if I don't see you along the way," V paused at the door, speaking over his shoulder. "I'll see you at the bottom of the Qliphod."

"Thank you, by he way. For letting me rest here." Meg spoke as she slithered between Nero and the wall, desperate to escape without making any physical contact. Nero noticed, but said nothing as he gave her a bit if space. Meg paused at the door, giving him her best tight-lipped genuine smile. "I... hope to get to know you better, Nero."

"Yeah." Nero grunted, cracking the smallest of smiles at the fiery haired woman. After a few hours, he didn't mind this one so much. She seemed as normal as hunters get. But V, that was a whole other story. "Same to too, Meg."

"Ay, yo black widow, let's get a move on! No time for chit chat and lolly gag- SQWAAA-!"

"Shut your trap you stupid, extra large, feathery turd!" Meg shouted out the door, grabbing the empty beer bottle to her left and throwing it high in the air. It thunked against his thick head, most likely giving him a concussion as he flapped in useless circles before returning to his host: V. Nero laughed, shaking his head.

Meg gave a huff and straightened her jacket, walking down the steps calmly and shutting the door before breaking into a jog to catch up to her partner. Nero watched through the windshield as Meg easily caught up to V, knocking him in the shoulder as a sort of greeting. She grinned, turning on her heel to walk backwards on the balls of her feet. V said something Nero couldn't see, causing Meg to groan and childishly walk correctly next him.

Her head turned to the side, scanning the area in boredom. She caught the flicker of tinsel, and shot off course into the rubble. When she returned to where Nero could see her, she was riding an old beat up children's bike with tassels on the sides. Her legs pumped hard as she forced the rusty bike to catch up to V, popping half wheely when she was close.

V stuck out his cane, stabbing the bikes back wheel between spokes, and caused Megs amused expression to drop into surprise as she failed to keep the bikes momentum. She toppled off the bike, landing on her ass. She yelled some incoherent curses and picked up the bike, speeding off to where V had continued walking and turned the corner out of view.

Nero sighed, and looked towards his smoking friend.

"So, what do you think?" He asked, opening the door to let out her toxic fumes.

"'Bout what? V?"

"And Meg." Nero nodded.

"Mph... V seems good enough, bit on the weird side but genuine." Nico took a long draw from her roll of tobacco. She scrunched her brows as she blew the smoke from her lungs like a reveling dragon. "Meg is.... Surprisingly normal."

"Yeah, she almost reminds me of Kyrie." Nero gestured in a circle around his face. "In features and all that."

"Meh, I don't see it."


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