Chapter 6. The Healer

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Cas's POV:

The next morning cas was woken up by yelling and confused voices, all he wanted to do was sleep for the love of his father.

He went through the whole lecture with Sam and dean that Lucifer is here to help with (y/n) and how he helped when all the Demons came to take (y/n) away.

Sam and dean still didn't believe or trust Lucifer but what could they do to keep him away from his baby sister.

Cas grabbed (y/n) and sat down on the couch with her and listened to the conversation that was going on between dean and Lucifer

"You know what, you woke up Cassie and he looks horrible have you even thought about that maybe he isn't feeling to hot?" Lucifer asked dean

"What no!! He's an angel you don't get sick and what's with the nickname Cassie?"dean yelled at Lucifer who was mad now,

"First off that's my nickname I called him ever sense he was a little fledgling, Second angels do get sick because as you can see we're also in human vessels, and Third he is still my baby brother so if he is sick you take care of him!!" Lucifer shot back

Through all this yelling I was getting a headache and wanted to go back to sleep and now I was getting pissed off

"Can you guys PLEASE stop yelling I'm getting A headache and your yelling isn't helping!!! All I want to do is go back to sleep but I can't, dean stop! Lucifer is here helping just ignore each other and Lucifer I think my vessel is getting sick and it's painful" I ranted and I was out of breath

Dean threw his hands up in the air and walked out mumbling something about how he can only rely on his pie and Sam came and grabbed (y/n) off my lap saying "get some rest"

I laid down on the couch in the library and was almost asleep when I heard Lucifer mumbling about how I should go lay down in bed but I didn't want to move.

" I don't want to move" I said stubbornly and shrunk myself into the couch "you were always grouchy when you were sick" I heard Lucifer mumble to himself but I didn't care because I wanted to sleep...

~time skip~

I woke up with my eyes still heavy and a stuffed nose and my vessels body ached, why did this have to happen to me now I asked myself and sat up.

Right as I managed to sit up as much as I could realizing that I was now in my bed the door opened and (y/n) came running in.

"Cassie" she screamed and held her arms up for me to grab her, I bent down and picked her up and sat her on my bed

"What's wrong?" I asked her, she looked at me and hugged me saying "Cassie don't feel good, I make him all better" she said drawing out all.

I smiled but it hurt because I was in so much pain "I'll be fine (y/n)" I said but then another voice rang out "yeah you will be when I'm done healing you" said a smug voice who I remembered clearly because I would go to him every time I was hurt.

"Raphael what are you doing here?" I asked through a clogged nose and a hoarse voice,

"Well actually Lucifer called me here, he said that you weren't feeling well and he was worried" Raphael said with some worry in his voice.

"Ah yeah.. my vessel seems to have catched a cold and it's annoying and painful" I said but it sounded more like a whine then anything, I mean after all I am sick.

I looked up to see Raphael staring at me and (y/n) " what are you gonna do?" I asked

"Well I am going to make you feel better the best as I can just like I did when you were a little fledgling" he said

"Well I could use that right about now" I said
"Well I'm gonna need you to lay down and close your eyes" Raphael said and I obliged but stopped

"(Y/n) are you gonna stay or go hangout with Sam and dean?" I asked her, she sat and thought for a minute and said "I want to stay here with you's" she said in her cute baby voice

"Ok come here" I grabbed her and put her next to me wrapped up in my trench coat under the covers and snuggled in, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

I closed my eyes and sniffed my nose and tried to quietly cough so I wouldn't wake her,
" here close your eyes and rest" Raphael said, so I snuggled with (y/n) and felt him put two fingers to my forehead and a warmth spread through me and all the pain was gone and I fell asleep with (y/n) in my arms....

Author note: I hope everyone likes it so far, I'm trying but ima keep it going...♥️♥️  trust me it gets better keep on reading 😘)

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