Chapter 5- My Angel

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After emailing the tack shop back and working with Dime for two weeks to perfect our skills, we were finally ready to go to my rodeo. My charade was stronger than ever and I could easily fake a smile and a laugh now...But really all i felt was empty. My fake laughs bounced around the room in shallow, hollow rings. My face was sore from using so many muscles  to fake all of the smiles.

Upon occasion someone would catch me in the moments when my pain was to strong so I would drop my act. I just covered those moments with fake laughter and forced smiles. But today my happiness was almost real, I love rodeo's!

I woke up to my alarm, I had set it for 6:35 so that I could try and spend a few extra minutes for my self. But when the clock declared that it was 6:35 in its loud and beeping manor i was already out of bed. I tossed on my barn clothes, and pulled the plug of the alarm out of the wall and raced myself down the stairs, stopping in the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair then I ran outside and paused. I inhale and think about the great day ahead of me.

The comforting smells of leather and horse dirft toward my nose as I enter the barn door. I spend the next four hours carefully grooming Dime, doing my chores (and my siblings were almost helping) and making sure everything is in order. When my IPhone says that its 10:05 I go inside noticing that Dad's jeep is gone...he' getting stuff in town, I assume.

As I open the door of my bedroom a bucket of green slime lands on my head. I scream and wipe it my eyes only to see Noah standing there with a video camera and laughing like a mad man.

"That is for using Dime" he squeezes out between bursts of laughs. I growl and grab my towel off of the hook next to my closet. Then I walk down the stairs and start the shower. When I come back to my room after scrubbing the slime out of my hair with about a half a bottle of shampoo, all traces of Noah's prank are gone..besides for the video evidence

I toss on my clean clothes and run down the stairs. Glancing at the clock in the kitchen its around 10:54, perfect we're leaving at 11:25. I pull on my boots and walk outside. Where I see a black shiny truck with a big blue bow on it. And my family standing around it. Smiling.

"Whats that?" I ask getting excited the closer I get. Its a wicked truck. Getting a closer look I can see that its a ford and a 4 door. Plus our horse trailer is hooked up to it.

"Its a truck." says Jess grinning.

"Do you like it?" asks Dad. I look at it this time my smile isn't forced but real. A truck. My truck.

"Yes...I love it" I say tracing the ford logo.

"Good because its yours." says Reeve looking at me his eyes sparkling. And this is when I squeal like a little girl. Everyone laughs but I can tell they're happy that I'm happy.

"It's really mine?!" i ask just making sure its not some kind of sick joke.

"Yes it's yours. I went and signed the papers this morning, happy early birthday!" Dad says handing me the keys that has a key chain with my name on it.

It seems I can't stop smiling, but this time Its not forced. Getting my own truck is just so.... WOW! I gave my Dad a hug and just about a thousand thank-you's.

I ran in to the barn and got Dime's saddle and pad , brushes, bridle, an extra lead rope and halter, some feed buckets, and some treats, a water bottle, a blanket and some other stuff and a then packed it all into my new truck. I got Dime prepared to get trailered.

I checked my IPhone for the time and I only had ten minutes before we left... The butterflies in my stomach were fluttering like crazy but I lead Dime to the trailer (I had already set up a hay net) and loaded her then closed the doors. I was admiring my truck when Noah walked up next to me.

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