3. Clint

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Peter didn't always stay up until 3 AM, but when he did something always seemed to go wrong. Today was no exception.


Clint yawned tiredly and glanced at the clock. He wasn't really sure why he had woken up in the middle of the night, but he had found he just randomly woke up sometimes. His mouth was dry so he got out of bed and began the walk to the kitchen to get a drink. 

Peter wanted to sleep, but he had an essay due the next day and hadn't started it yet. He wanted to be close to the food, so he sat in the kitchen. But he didn't want to sit on the chairs, and the floor was uncomfortable. So he did the only logical thing. He sat on the ceiling. He figured no one would come in any way since it was three in the morning.

Clint stepped into the kitchen, walking over to the cabinets to get a glass of water, he glanced around the room only to see glowing eyes staring back at him. He jumped and set down the glass, ready to run in case these eyes belonged to a demon. He carefully turned, not taking his eyes off the strange eyes. He flicked on the light switch, only to hear a loud hiss and an annoyed Peter on the ceiling. Clint let out a yelp and jumped back, nearly knocking over his glass. 

"Peter what the fuck?!"

He whisper-yelled, clearly confused. Peter just looked more annoyed that he was disturbed.

"Turn off the light! I'm trying to work on my essay!"

"Peter why the fuck, and how the fuck, are you on the ceiling?!"

He turned off the lights, slightly terrified that Peter would kill him if he didn't. That kid had a mean death glare.

"Spider-powers. Now go away, I have work to do!"

"So you're the spider-man!"

"Yes, Clint! I am the Spider-man! Now let me work!"

 "Whatever Peter, just make sure you get some sleep."

Needless to say, Peter did not sleep that night. And Clint spent the rest of the night trying to process what happened. Clint didn't bring up that night again, and Peter got an A on his essay. 

5 Times An Avenger Found Out Peter's IdentityWhere stories live. Discover now