017. ‒ ❝bakugou, don't push me away.❞ 私を離れてプッシュしていません

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your point of view

8 hours.

it took 8 hours for us to reach the place.

"i am really hungry!" mina squatted on the ground and gave vent to a deep sigh. everyone was mentally drained as we had already used up our energy to reach the exact destination.

my legs were wobbly and I can't even stand properly, i gripped Iida's shirt in order to maintain my balance. iida quickly put an arm around me and i sighed in relief, i am really hungry and all i need is food and a bed,

like right now.

"well, i thought you guys would take longer to reach the facility, everyone did a very great job in figuring out my earth beasts and i am very impressive." pixie bob glanced at her watch and looked at us,

"you guys can have your dinner now. it's 5:20 pm already."

we're happy and confused at the same time, she told us to reach the place in 3 hours, isn't it? it's already 8 hours and they still serve us dinner?!

"are you fucking serious?!" mineta jumped in excitement and rushed towards to pixie bob and gave her a big hug. she was shocked at first but still returning the hug awkwardly, pixie bob was really uncomfortable when mineta buried his head on her chest.

"enough is enough." aizawa sensei pulled mineta away and looked at us with his tiring expression, "go take your luggage from the bus and put it in your room. for your information, you guys will be sleeping together and there are 20 sleeping bags in the cupboard. and after that, please proceed to the dining hall and eat your dinner first, you can go to take a shower and relax afterwards." he sighed deeply and rubbed his forehead before he walked away, he turned around and said,

"training starts at tomorrow."


we all changed into our comfy clothes and went to the dining hall. everyone was chatting happily as we're discussing the beast forest that we had encountered just now, i felt a shiver down my spine at the thought of those monsters, it was terrifying.

"not to mention that mineta kun plans to run away." tsuyu glared at him and mineta just laughed and shrugged it off, he clearly doesn't even care about this issue. iida walked beside him, giving him a lecture while his hand was in a chopping motion, which mineta doesn't give a fuck to our class rep.

all of a sudden, i felt something strange, where was the rude and arrogant voice that usually echoing through the hall?

i glanced around and saw Kirishima and the gang, but bakugou was nowhere to be seen.

"kirishima, where is bakugou?" i asked him.

"...i have no idea, he said he will be coming later...-"

"he's in a bad mood, right? since morning?" i looked to his eyes, pleading him to give me a hint.

"i guess so..." kirishima was acting weird, he was nervous when he was talking to me, he seems to be holding something back.

at that moment, i was concerned about Bakugou. he is the type of guy who won't open his heart to anyone else, he hated himself for being so fragile; he pushed himself to be strong so that he won't be relying on others, he was holding onto his pride too much.

sometimes, bakugou is sensitive and he knows that.

i told them to proceed to the dining hall first as I quickly ran to the room to find him.

just when I wanted to twist the doorknob and pushed the door opened, bakugou had already stood in front of me. we both stared at each other and we didn't know what to say, it was kinda awkward.

"what?" We both said in unison.

"what what?" bakugou huffed and locked the door behind him, he shoved me roughly aside and walked away. i was angry, why can he be so disrespectful all the time? i went back just because i was worried about him.

he was not supposed to treat a friend like this.

"bakugou, you shit head! do you know i purposely went back and find you? and all you do is just pushing me away, do you know you had already hurt my feelings? i was worried about you! just what the fuck, can you- just..what happened to you?! you have been acting strange since morning." i stood there and rubbed my fingers impatiently, if bakugou was going to say something harsh, i would definitely-

"none of your business," he said coldly.

i was getting impatient at the moment, i stomped towards bakugou and pushed him against the wall. it was surprising that he didn't yell at me, i looked up and stared at his features. i was amazed that his everything was on point, well...especially his jawline. i blushed when he looked into my eyes, bakugou is actually... not that bad.

and he is tall, too.

"{Name}...what- what are you doing?!" he stuttered.

oh boy, his voice was gentle and soft.

"listen! you stupid asshole!" i gripped his shoulders tightly and i took a deep breath before i started to speak, "i know..i know you are strong, bakugou. but can you please...just don't push away those people who truly care for you. stop being such a jerk and please fucking go through your brains before you fucking said something!!!" my eyes were blurry and tears started to roll down my face, fuck- fuck this was so embarrassing.


"stop! just fucking listen to me for once! i have no idea why am i crying but yeah, i was fucking worried about you but you...fuck- just what the hell...i didn't do anything wrong, right?! i treat you as a friend but you treat me like shit, bakugou! i just... i am just thinking...maybe you need someone too...i...shit, i don't know anymore..." i sobbed into his chest unceasingly, hands clutching at his jacket.

wait-what am i doing?!

"i don't know, i really don't know but... i hate seeing my friends like this...especially you? i don't know... " i sniffed.

suddenly, he wrapped his arms around me.

wait...katsuki bakugou was hugging me?!

"baku-" he immediately pressed my head on his chest, "listen, {Name}. i am- i am sorry that i make you worried, okay?! it was not a big deal for fuck's sake, i am always angry you know!" bakugou reassured me.

"but-" and he pressed my head harder and said, "tch, are you deaf?! i wasn't angry or sad okay?! i am not a morning person and you should know that! you are being an idiot, we are friends and you still didn't know about my personality?!"

"okay, okay..." i tried to pull him away because it was really tight...but his arms were so strong...and warm..." bakugou, you are killing me! it hurts ya know?!" he gently pushed me away, avoiding my eye contact and started to walk away, again.

"what the hell? katsuki bakugou!" i yelled at him.

"tch! i am fucking hungry you stupid idiot!" he grabbed my wrist and dragged me towards the dining room, "and i know you are fucking hungry, too."

i scratched my head slightly and i felt my hair was..wet? i looked at bakugou, his eyes were puffy and.. his face was tear-stained as well.

did...bakugou just cried?...


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