Chapter 4

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May 2nd 2019, you were 19 back to reality...

Things have changed... grayson has become very distant over the past years. You probably talked to him about 2-3 times, having no clue why he was acting the way he was and was very hurt from this. You figured you did something wrong and almost cried every night... luckily your 7 year old sister was there to try and comfort you. She also liked Grayson a lot.. and used to have a crush on him... but that's besides the point. Me and gray have been best friends for almost 20 years now...what happened? It was a normal Monday while you were getting ready to take Ava to school. You offered to drive her a lot so your mom could get a break, you also didn't mind. You put Ava in the car, and got in the driver seat...staring at grays house. Remembering the days of him driving you three and having a blast, singing or yelling, or dancing in the car...
Ava: you okay y/n?
*you snapped out of your gaze*
Y/n: y-yeah Ava I'm good *you faintly smiled at her and started the car*
Grayson was never home any more... it was like he vanished and the times you would see him or Ethan would be very late at night or early in the morning. Anyways, you dropped Ava off at school and things stayed like this for a while.
It was about a week later as you woke up and heard laughter coming from down stairs. Your mom wasn't home due to her work so you got suspicious... you were wearing booty shorts and a tank top as you walked down the stares.
Y/n: Ava are you okay?!
*you stopped in your tracks as you seen Grayson and Ava sitting at the chairs by the counter laughing*
Y/n: Grayson?
*You had the blanket stare as his eyes met yours.*
Grayson: hey
Ava: Y/n!!! Graysons back!!! *she ran over to you grabbed your hand and brought you to a seat*
-things were awkward...
Y/n: what are you doing here?
Grayson: just thought I'd stop in a say hi
Y/n: just stop in and say hi? *you stood up, clearly pissed at what he said*
Ava: y/n...
Y/n: No Ava! He left us when we needed him most and I'm just supposed to accept him back into my life just like that?! *you stormed off into your room and slammed the door, a few minutes later Grayson quietly came in to see your head in your hands as you sat on your bed*
Grayson: y/n... *he put his hand on your knee*
Y/n: Don't touch me grayson! *you said as you pushed his hand away.*
Grayson: y/n please
Y/n: you left me for over 2 years without a explanation, I cried every night over you! Thinking I was a horrible person and did something wrong! I lost you Grayson! You were the only person I had, you were my escape from all my problems! And at most times you were the only person me and Ava had and for you to randomly come over just to say your stopping in to say hi is NOT OKAY! *you screamed at him...he just stared at you, letting you get your anger out on him*
Grayson: I- I know what I did y/n and I'm so deeply sorry...
y/n: what happened Grayson, what did I do to make you leave? Where did you go for those two years! *you said pissed off*
Grayson: I can't say y/n.. I'm sorry... for everything but it was for a reason.
Y/n: just leave Grayson. *you said looking down*
Grayson: y/n...
Y/n: LEAVE! *Tears fell from both sides of your face as he slowly got up and left. Ava was watching the whole things from your door way and ran in to hugged you....
You haven't seen Grayson ever since then..

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