Good Night Shadow

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Chapter 4: Good Night Shadow

At Sonic's home, everyone was discussing what happened earlier. Everyone took part except you and Shadow. Who knew everything about them.

"What do they want with (y/n) and Shadow?" Amy asked. Everyone shrugged to the question.

"Who knows" Tails responded. Sonic then turned to you and Shadow. You two were sitting next to each other, folded arms and looked away from the group.

"Shadow? (Y/n)? Would you know why?" Sonic asked. Rouge walked up to Shadow and flirted with him a bit.

"Yes we do, we aren't gonna answer though" you growled. Sonic frowned.

"Oh come on Shady, it's just a simple question with a simple answer" Rouge climbed up on top of Shadow. You don't know why, but seeing that made you growl.

"It's Shadow, and they want us because they want to turn us into weapons and destroy every living thing on this planet, happy?" Shadow breathed. You nodded your head.

"How did you come upon these uh..... men?" Tails asked. You began to growl again. Shadow heard it and knew why.

"Non of your business! That is nothing you need to know" Shadow spat. Saving you from destruction mode.

"Ok, ok, geez, but, how did they know where we were?" Sonic asked. You shook your head to their stupidity.

"They know everything Sonic! They know what time you go to bed at night! They know everything about your past! There is NOTHING THAT THEY DON'T KNOW OTHER THAN YOUR FUTURE ACTIONS!" You bellowed. Sonic jumped back by your sudden out burst. Amy's and Rouge's heart began to race. It scared Tails and freaked Knuckles out. You took a few deep breaths before speaking once more. "I-I'm sorry" you loosen your face up to show no harm. Sonic nods his head in understatement.

"It's ok, I should not have said what I said, and now I say we all get sleep" Sonic yawns. You nod your head in agreement to sleep. You wanted and needed it. Then you remembered you needed PJ's. All of your things were at home and now all of the stuff is destroyed.

"Your all good by me Hedgehog, but i have no cloths, this is all I have thanks to the G.U.N team" You sighed. Amy and Rouge began squealing.

"First thing tomorrow we are taking you shopping!" Amy squealed.

"I would prefer not to, I'm different from most females. I'm not meant to be out like that, i'd prefer stuff like boy cloths when it comes to PJ's. This is my equipment, touch it, you die, got it?" You assure.

"Got it!" Tails quickly said.

"That goes for you to batty" you walk towards Shadow's room.

"Excuse me? What did you just call me?" She asked you. You stop in your tracks and look back towards her.

"Oh nothing, batty" you chuckle.

"Oh that's it!" Rouge ran and came after you. You chuckle as Knuckles holds her back. "Let me at her! I'm just gonna rip those beautiful bracelets off. Wait a minute! Those look like the same ones as Shadow's"

"Because they basically are. They are the things that keep me alive. One hour without them I die" you frown. " I almost forgot about this!" You snap your fingers and your automatically in your Pj's.

(Picture of PJ's)

"Like Shadow?" Tails asked.

"Yep, I guess, I honestly don't know" You admit. You were guessing it was true. You look at Shadow and he didn't look good. You wanted to ask but you knew you were gonna get the wrong answer. "Night"

"Night" Sonic exited into his and Tails' room.

"Night everyone" Tails followed behind Sonic.

"Good night"

"Good night" Rouge and Amy spoke, walking into their room.

"Night" Knuckles groaned, walking into his room. You turned towards Shadow.

"Are you ok? You've been quiet and gloomy today" you walk up and sit next to him on the couch.

"I'm just fine" Shadow looked away from you. You wanted to get the answer out of him, but you didn't do it.

"Ok, aren't you gonna go to sleep?" You ask him.

"I might, you can have the bed"

"No, it's your bed and I'm not gonna take it away from you" you protested, Shadow was about to do the same.

"My room, my rules, your having the bed"

"Then where are you gonna sleep?" You ask. You both stand and walk into the bedroom. "The bed is big enough for the both of us, as long as we don't tell them" Shadow sighed and took a minute to answer.

"F-Fine" Shadow agreed. You get in the bed on one side, and Shadow on the other.

"Good night Shadow" You were close to smiling. You blushed a little bit.

"Good night" he responded.

Word Count: 801

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