Chapter 21

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*Jackson’s POV*

‘HELP!’ the cry boomed through my head so loudly I flinched. Seconds later a multitude of images flashed through my mind, one image caught my attention specifically. The image of a cliff.

‘You okay?’ Porter asked a bit worriedly, stopping in front of me.

‘You didn’t hear that?’ I frowned inwardly as both Grady and Porter shook their heads, there eyes regarding me curiously. ‘Someone called for my help’ I told them, ‘Hey, do you guys remember passing a cliff?’ I asked, my mind flashing back to the image of the cliff.

‘Um, yeah, when that wolf brought us to the pack house’ Grady recalled.

‘Do you remember where?’ I asked, and Grady bobbed his head up and down.

‘The tree, if we go back and take a left at the mushroom tree we’ll get there, why?’ Grady recalled. I didn’t even bother to reply before I took off running back in the direction I’d come from, my eyes scanning for the ‘mushroom’ tree.

‘Hey, Jack, wait up!’ Porter called from behind as he and Grady sprinted after me. I continued on faster despite their cries, and only slowed when the tree came into view. Or at least I thought it was the tree, the woody plant was short and stubby with a cluster of leaves on top, giving it the appearance of a mushroom.

I took a turn at the tree and speed up again, my paws barely touching the ground as I raced towards my destination.

Finally, the cliff came into view and I slowed down to a fast walk, my head darting to the ground as I began to sniff out for the person that had called for my help. ‘Jackson, what the hell’ Porter growled, coming up behind Grady who was, naturally, ahead.

‘Sniffing..’ I informed them bluntly, both Grady and Porter began to say something about how crazy I was but I blocked out there voices and my nose picked up the scent of someone. I trailed after and a sinking feeling settled in my gut as I noted the scent trailed down the cliff. ‘We need to get to the bottom’ I told Porter and Grady, turning back in search of another, safer route down to the bottom.

After a few minutes of searching, I found one and carefully proceeded to head down. Despite it being safer then heading down the cliff directly, the path was still a bit steep. ‘He’s gone crazy’ Grady though aloud. But despite this thought, both he and Porter followed after me.

As I reached the bottom of the cliff, the scent grew stronger. They’re nearby. I thought, and it’s a girl, I noted taking another whiff of the scent. I picked up my pace and followed after the scents trail. The scent grew stronger and stronger until up a few yards ahead I could see a figure, lying face up on the ground. ‘He’s not crazy!’ Grady cried out, sounding somewhat relived by this fact. I found myself trotting towards the figure, the scent of blood lingering in the air.

‘Are you okay?’ I called out to the figure as I neared.

“Hello..?” a feminine voice called out weakly.

‘Your hurt….’ I trailed off as I finally got a good view of the girl. Fast forming bruises and nicks were spread across her body and she was covered in a good amount of dirt, but the only thing I could focus on were the swirling pools of green and blue that were her eyes. ‘hi….’ I thought out dumbly, my mind going fuzzy.

“Yo-your taking to me… mentally” she gasped eyes wide, as she strained to force herself up into a sitting position.

‘Um…yeah, that’s how werewolves normally talk to each other’ at the word werewolf her eyes widened.

“I’m not-t going back” she stuttered out fearfully, trying to back away but her arms could barely hold her up.

‘Back? Back where?’ I questioned, frowning inwardly. Managing to shake away some of the daze from my mind.

“The house…” she answered uncertainly, confused by my own confusion.

‘Your running away from the Nakoma pack?’ I realized, my eyes widening. The girl tensed at the mention of Nakoma, and I found myself rushing out reassurance to her, ‘Its okay, I’m not apart of their pack. I’m from Mossbrooke.’

“Mossbrooke?” she gasped out, hope suddenly filling her voice. I nodded my head up and down. “You’re the pack from Mossbrooke” all fear drained out from her voice and was replaced by relief “My names Emily Smith”

Emily. Smith. Andrews granddaughter. I was slow to process the information but Porter and Grady weren’t and soon moved forward from there spots a few yards behind.

‘We’ve been looking for you and your brother for days’ Porter explained to her.

‘Speaking of him, is your brother nearby?’ Grady asked, his head moving around in search of another figure.

“He’s back at the house. He couldn’t come, he’s turning into a wolf or something..” Emily explained with a frown.

'Has he actually turned into a wolf yet?' Porter prodded, and Emily shook her head no in reply, wincing slightly at the motion.

‘You fell down the cliff’ I remembered ‘How do you feel?’

“Pain” was her only reply.

‘Climb onto my back, I’ll carry you’ I told her, and she nodded weakly in response, biting back the pain as she pulled herself up onto my back her hands gripping onto my fur for dear life. ‘Lets get going. I have a feeling alpha Nate isn’t going to be too happy when he notices she’s gone’ I told Grady and Porter who nodded in agreement. I headed off, only daring to go as fast as a trot for fear of Emily falling off.

‘We’re going to slow’ Porter grumbled sourly, ‘When they realize she’s gone they’re going to be able to catch us in minutes’

“They wont notice I’m gone for a while, they kind of have their hands full” Emily mumbled, the hint of a smile in her voice.

‘With what?’ Grady asked curiously, doing his weird head tilt thing.

“One hundred Chihuahuas and one yorkie” she smiled weakly. Porter, Grady and I glanced questioningly at each other, remembering the barking.

‘How?’ Porter asked.

“I know a witch” Emily explained, and once again the three of us shared questioningly glances.

‘Mind if I as-’

‘No more questions’ I ordered, sensing the pain each word caused Emily. After all, her face had gotten pretty beaten up from the fall, and I imagine the cuts that dotted her face stung like a you know what anytime she moved her mouth to speak. ‘Just relax, we should be out of the pack territory in no time’ I said to Emily, who nodded weakly and rested her head on top of mine.

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