35| Havoc

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Chuuyas P.O.V

I stare at the horrific events playing out to me on the screen. Watching my trusted friend turn into such a nightmare and disastrous phenomenon was something that made my skin crawl and spread silence in the Mafia.

The usual higher ranked Mafia members where here, gathered in one of the many offices. The Black Lizard Assassination group: Gin, Tachihara and Hirotsu as well as Higuchi and executive Ozaki had acted on my call to bring this to their attention. As soon as we heard of (Y/n) being captured by Francis, we knew this time was his final move on Yokohama. The Mafia was sent into another frenzy as we panicked over the fate of Yokohama that was about to rain down on us all, purely by Francis power. We all stood around one desk, observing (Y/n) from a drone I had order to be sent up to the Mody Dick, in order to investigate.

And through the blacked clouds, we saw her, standing like a trophy on the top of the Moby Dick.

It was as if she was fading in and out... Like a shadow burning away by light, only to turn into a shadow again. Her dress was white but a trail of blood had broken the purity that had splattered from her nose. I dared to wonder how she had lost her blood...

My teeth grit in anger as I imagined Francis serving the blow.

"Heck... How did he end up doing that to her?" Tachihara exclaimed as soon as his eyes landed on the screen.

"We don't know how, but that man has enough money to do whatever he pleases, and that's no joke." Higuchi replied, sighing as she too observed.

"But that's..."

Tachihara was lost for words. He and many others hadn't been informed on the details that concerned Franics, unlike Hirotsu, Ozaki, and Higuchi via Akutagawa.

"He's done it to her before..." I growl," When she came after Mori. He done something to her, but not as intense as this." I shake my head as the drone slowly circles her from afar. She was just standing there, arms stretched out in front of her... What was she doing? What was her role in this vial plan of his?

"Prehaps he's done it again but gone overdrive with such tools," Ozaki suggested," I wasn't there to witness Moris attack, but whatever it was it boosted her ability to very high limits." My eyes turn to her beside me, her sorrowful brown eyes half lidded, orange sparkled on her skin.

"And now... its boosted so high it's gone over kill..." Higuchi finished.

I remembered how her eyes turned black, replacing them with another pair. She was cruel and wicked, violent and lethal, more than how she had ever been before. She was the few members of the organisation that killed only for a reason. To see her almost butcher Mori made me forget that.

And that was only a taste, only a sample of what she is now...

My head turned to the screen again. This was dangerous, really dangerous.

Because it wasn't uncommon for a two powerful Gift to destroy its user, ever so slowly until they disintegrated away- It was one of the side effects of the Tainted Sorrow, and now for Where there is light, there is Darkness.

"I'm afraid to say this, Chuuya, but your dear friend might not be with us for much longer..." Ozaki sighed. I wanted to shout at her that it wasn't, that she was wrong to think that this was the end... But she was right. I knew she was right and everyone else knew it too.

I had to do something. I had to act on this. I didn't care if Akutagawa was already assigned to do the job I wanted to. I stared at Mori from across the room, back turned against us as he stared out the windows looking up at the sky that had started to turn grey. Elise was tugging at his sleeve, demanding attention.. But for once, Mori never ceased to give her any.

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