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As I waited, I thought about all that lead up to this very moment.  There had been a lot that had happened, where to start?  Oh I know!  I'll start when I ran away.

It was a dark night, my sister was just leaving my room after helping me "fall asleep".  I didn't actually fall asleep, that would only bring the nightmares.  Instead I pretended to be asleep until she left the room.  When she did, I got up out of bed and went over to my window.  I had all the stuff I needed to run in a backpack in the yard.

I hopped out the window, hoping no one would notice me from their window.  When I landed on the ground, I ran towards my backpack, grabbed it and ran towards the fence.  I hopped over it, using the skills my oldest brother, Touya, had taught me before he ran away.  I ran away from the house, away from Fuyumi and Natsuo, and especially away from my father.

I woke up in an alleyway in the city near my house.  I hadn't been found and no one had seen me go into the alleyway.  Just in case, I slung my backpack around and grabbed my hoodie out of it.  I pulled the hood over my most noticeable feature, my bi- colored hair.  I walked out of the alleyway and tried to blend into the crowd.  

Unfortunately, a kid walking alone sticks out like a sore thumb in this area, especially during school hours.  A lot of people asked me where my parents were and why I wasn't at school.  I just ignored them and kept walking.  When I looked back at a few, they were on the phone, still looking at me, no doubt calling the cops about me.

I stepped into an alleyway to hide out and calm down, by then it was already late afternoon and there were kids about my age around.  Middle school kids are nasty.  A kid I recognized from my first period, Monoma was his name, grabbed me from behind.

"What you got in the bag, Todoroki?"  He asked me. I cursed under my breath. This guy was always trying to look and act cool.  Some of the kids in the class thought he was crazy, others liked him.  I thought he was completely annoying.

"Nothing for you, Monoma." I snapped at him. "Now let go."

"How about," He paused for a second, "no.  Not until you tell me why you didn't show up to class."

"I don't have to tell you anything." I said, kinda miffed. "Now let go!"

I punched him in the gut.  He grunted and let go.  I ran out of the alleyway and ran toward the school.  I thought I would find a place to hide or something.  Dispite being the strongest in my classes, the other students liked to tease me.  I ran into someone and we both got knocked down.

"Sorry." I said.

"It's fine." the ginger said.  It was Kendo, probably the nicest person in any of my classes. "Oh hi Todoroki!  I was worried about you not showing up today, are you ok?"

"Yeah, just, Monoma after me again." I said.

"That idiot is always picking on you," she said, "do you think he understands that you could crush him?"

"Nope," I smiled at her, "but for now, I think he is rounding up some of his stronger buddies, I'll see you later, Kendo."

"Ok," she said, "see ya."

I ran for it, but Monoma and his friends were gaining on me.  I could've used my quirk, but then I saw Natsuo walking out of his high school with his friends all comforting him.  I couldn't give myself away and have him take me back home.  I kept running, but pretty soon Monoma's gang was on top of me.

"What's wrong, Todoroki?"  One of the boys asked me. "Too scared to use your flashy ice quirk?"

"Just get him!" Monoma punched me in the jaw. "Who cares if he is making it easier?"

They all started beating me up, kicking me, punching me, and using their quirks on me.  I was literally frozen in place, one of them had an ice quirk, and then a bunch of rocks hit my face.  I grew tired of them constantly beating me up.  I was done getting hurt.

I saw Natsuo's back was facing me so I melted the ice around me, then I froze my attackers in place.  I grabbed my backpack from Monoma's hands and put all my stuff back in it.  I put my hood back up and walked off as my former classmates catcalled me, their voices getting quieter and quieter the farther I got.  Eventually, I didn't hear them at all.

I walked through the streets, past Fuyumi's college, past my old elementary school and towards the park.  When I got to the park, I ran to the tree line.  Past the tree line, I saw nothing but forest, and I knew if I passed it, I was in this for good.

As I walked into the forest, I heard rustling in the bushes around me.  I heard two voices arguing, and then I felt a sharp blow to the back of my head.  I fell forward and my vision was blurred.  I saw a black haired figure and a blonde figure.  The blonde said something my brain didn't process and I felt a kick to my head and I blacked out.

Thanks for reading you guys!  I sometimes don't know if people are actually reading my shit.  I hope you guys enjoyed as much as I enjoy writing it!  In the comments, tell me how your day has been.  You guys are awesome!  See you soon!

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