Lost and Never Found

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Running, that's all I could comprehend at the moment. I had just woken up. I had no idea where I was, but with every step I took, the roots of the trees, they-they they were reaching for me. Trying to grab at me. I was suffocating in this hellish nightmare. I couldn't breathe, I was trapped with no way out, no recollection of how I'd gotten there. But I knew one thing. I. Had. To. Get. Out. I ran as fast as my legs would carry me. I saw a flash of lights somewhere after the tree line broke. I started tearing up, I found someone else in this seemingly never-ending hell.

As I broke through the tree line, I began to cry. I was free, free from this nightmare. After I knew I was far enough away from the trees, I collapsed into a panting mess of limbs onto the brisk earth beneath my feet. I started bawling, I could finally breathe somewhat normally. I closed my eyes for just a moment and when I opened them I was back where I began. My tears were no longer those of joy, they were now tears of confusion and fear. I couldn't believe it, all the work I had gone through just to get out was for nothing. I was trapped here. With no way out. 

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