episode 18: do you trust me?

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"So tell me, Jeon Jinyoung. What made you snap?"

Jinyoung scoffed shifting into another expression. From that intense pissed gaze to a taunting-teasing look.

"You think your psychoanalysis can trick me? Sorry, cupcake, but you can't play mind games with the master," he said confidently and teasingly placing his finger on the trigger. Aiming on a different direction and pulled the trigger. Lisa winced in pain as the bullet grazed her arm.

"Lisa!" Jin stood from his seat the same way Taehyung did.

"Next bullet goes straight through your skull, Lalisa Kim," the devil said grinning like the lunatic that he is and crouched down, aiming the gun straight at her. "You think you can taunt me, cupcake? Think again."

Lisa held her breath as she felt the sharp seering pain on her arm as he violently grabbed her and made her stand up.

"You know why I'm doing this? Because it's fun," he said as his lips moved closely to her ear with the gun aimed at her head. "Well aside from the money, it's fun to see you privileged people suffer. To see how you powerful people cower at the sight of a gun."

"I'm not scared of you," Lisa hissed as Jinyoung pulled her hair back.

"Oh I know, baby girl," the guy said smirking. "But I do know someone who has an effect on you."

Jinyoung violently pulled her hair back making her turn. Lisa gasped and her eyes grew wide as she saw Jungkook walk towards them into the dining area with a gun on his hand.

"K-Kook?" Jinyoung laughed at how pathetic Lisa sounded.

"Blood is always thicker than water, dear Lalisa," Jungkook said on a very serious tone. "You should know 'coz you'd do everything for family too, right?"

Lisa couldn't make out words. She was genuinely stunned. So Jungkook... after everything...

You knew he was a con man. You had this coming.

"I told you not to trust me," he said before raising his gun and aiming it towards her.

She was confused. What he showed her the past months... the past weeks... Were they all a lie? Was he that of a good actor? She scoffed.

She's Lalisa fucking Kim. No one can play her dirty like that.

"Shame on me then," she countered. And then stepped closer towards him.

"Game's over now, doll," he said monotonously, eyes showing no emotion at all. No remorse, no nothing. "I suggest you just sit still and let us take our loot and sister-in-law in peace."

She couldn't believe it. She was played. Used. What funny way for things to end.

Right now it wasn't about Jinyoung, Jin or Jisoo. Nor was it about their plot to get money from them. It's about playing her. But the game isn't over 'til she says it is. So she smirked.

He's not the only one who'd fight for family.

"Game's not over until I say so, Jungkookie."

The way she called out his name was venomous. And the way her eyes pierced through him, it was lethal.

Jungkook adjusted his grip. His eyes wondered to his sides. Then back at her. But when their eyes met, she was only a few inches away from him. Gun close to her head. Too close...

"You want the money? Take it," she said with conviction. "A billion doesn't even cause a small dent in our family's fortune. Nor mine. You want the house? Fine. Take it too. I don't fucking live here anymore. But take Jisoo away from my brother? You'll have to go through me."

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