Hours from Death

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Our names will be eternal and infamous. The things they say about our actions will most likely be true. I could write them all down but I would run out of paper; that and I do not wish to pass on my atrocities and their weight to my children. I will not lie and say we are good and noble people. We both were so lost in the dark, trying to find our way out, that we took too many wrong turns to escape.

Maybe one day you will read this or perhaps your grandmother will decide to burn this as soon as she reads it, but either way, your mother and I hope you have found something to make your life worth living. For so long we thought having power and wealth would bring us happiness and it did. The only problem is power and wealth are ticking time bombs.

Your mother and I had timers on our heads long before that, though. We survived against the odds. Never question if we loved you or if you will turn out like us; we loved you both unequivocally and it takes a special type of situation to turn into the archangels we are.

Your mother would write to you, and probably write for much longer than I will, but she is currently unable. But, know you are her life and you are mine.

Remember us for when we were valiant and remember that every side is the bad side, not just the ones we chose. Everyone is righteous in their own respects. Remember us for the two people who would love their children and themselves more than any 'normal' person ever could. Your mother and I were forged in the hollows of destruction and despair and we will pass in the shadows of death. Our slaughters are just. Our spilt blood is peace.

Someone else will fill our spots and the cycle will continue but just know, we were good at what we did. If you can find a talent and exploit it, you will be the happiest person in the world. That's how we found each other.

Every country in the world has it out for us and together we will die. The world is a twisted chain of abuse. Prove us wrong.

The Damned and Dead

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