Welcome back

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There was a welcome back party for Michael's and Kyra's return, a huge celebration for this special day. Lidia and Williams guest list was long, as everyone filed into the courtyard to be there when the newlyweds arrived. Chief Douglas, his wife, and his caravan, had come two days before, and had set up their tents on the MacAlister land outside of the Sterlingshire courtyard.

Lidia didn't spare any expenses, as she looked around to make sure that the servants had everything in place. The mouthwatering, juicy lambs on the spits, had everyone starving as they waited patiently for them to be cooked. The servants helped Cook bake a variety of side dishes that were fit for a king. The smell of the fresh baked bread filled the air, and there was barrels of ale to meet everyone's expectations.

The music started playing and people were dancing on the dance floor. There was laughter across the courtyard, as people mingled and socialized, and when the happy couple appeared, everyone cheered and chanted their names.

Michael looked at his wife adoringly and pulled her against his muscled chest.

"I love you wife." He whispered hoarsely in her ear, and Kyra knew in her heart that he spoke the truth.

"Welcome back, I trust you both had a marvelous honeymoon." Chief Douglas said, and pulled his daughter out of Michael's arms and into his.

"Father, I have missed you!" Kyra chimed, wrapping her arms around her fathers tapered waist.

Douglas looked down at his daughter adoringly, "I missed you more my darling." He said, and kissed the top of her head.

Michael did not miss the way her father looked at him with disapproval, and knew that soon, he will be confronted by him. He sighed, knowing that he will hear an ear full about Eva and the pregnancy.

So far Kyra has not remembered anything about Eva, because Michael placed a magic hold on her memory, wanting to have blissful moments while on their honeymoon, but he knew that sooner or later, the spell will be broken, and she will remember everything. The Prince dreaded the day she will found out the whole truth about the pregnancy, and he threw a knowing look at Douglas, begging him silently not to say a word.

"Father where's mother?" Kyra asked.

"Over there my darling, why don't you go and give her a hug, she misses you very much." He told her, and watched as his beautiful daughter ran to her mother, and fell into her open arms.

Douglas threw his attention back to Michael, and the Druid heart stopped beating as he waited for the chief to tell him off.

"I trusted you with my daughter, but you did not honor her!" He said in a low and dangerous voice.

"I love her, she is my life now, and I will never hurt her intentionally!" Michael told him.

"When my daughter finds out what you have done to her, she will die a thousand deaths!" The chief roared.

Michael took a deep inhalation if breath, and said in a passionate hoarse voice, "it was never my intention to hurt her. I would give my life for her! I will spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to her. I will fix this, I promise you."

"It's too late to fix it, Eva birthed you a son!" Douglas spitted out.

William walked up behind them, "keep it down, or everyone will know what your argument is about. This is not the time to be having this conversation!" He said angrilly. "You messed up big time, Michael, and you know it!"

"Yes he did! And now my daughter will have to pay the price. You ruined her life and that of her unborn child in her womb!" Douglas threw at the Druid.

Michael's eyes widened, and he took a step forward, "what are you saying? Is my wife pregnant already?"

"You are a fool! You have my daughter with child, and you have not told her the truth about Eva. She has had your baby already, and will come looking for you soon!" Douglas hissed.

There was a stifled cry behind them, and the three of them turned around to find Kyra ready to faint. Michael caught her just in time and lifted her in his strong and possesive arms.

"Put me down!" She yelled, "let me go or I will scream bloody murder!"

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