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This shit sad. I listened to When She Loved Me by Sarah McLachlan on loop while writing this


It all started when...

Y/N met Lauren when she was leaving the hospital from her monthly checkup. The green eyed girl was in tears while sitting in the waiting room.

Y/N, being a nice person, went and approach her.

She found out that Lauren's boyfriend left her when she told him she got pregnant.

Lauren was in the hospital to confirm that she is indeed pregnant.

While they get to know each other, Y/N found out that Lauren's parents kicked her out and now she's homeless. So, she offered Lauren to live with her.

The first time Lauren went in Y/N's home, she cringed at the mess.

Y/N tried to clean up, but she just put the dirt under her carpet.

She's a messy woman. Lazy and messy.

But that changed when Lauren started to live with her.

Y/N's friends noticed how she changed. She's usually quiet or always sleeping when hanging out with them but now she's asking a lot of questions.

She's asking about cooking, cleaning, and more adult stuff.

Months went by, Lauren and Y/N grew closer. Closer than anyone's buttcheeks.

Y/N went from a lazy fuck to being useful.

Now she actually cleans her home because she don't want Lauren to be unhealthy because of dirty stuff.

She's really excited for Lauren's baby. She's actually working double time so they have money for the baby.

When she told her friends about Lauren they immediately yelled red flag.

Her friends warned her and tried to tell her some worst case scenarios that could happen but Y/N didn't listen.

Then after months later, Lauren had the baby.

Y/N was quick to take her to the hospital and be with Lauren during her delivery.

"Lo, he's beautiful." Y/N whispered as she held the baby.

They stayed at the hospital and Y/N paid for the bills. She used the money she saved for the baby.

Now Lauren and Y/N are staring at the baby while Lauren caress the baby's cheek.

"Thank you for staying and helping me during my tough time." Lauren looks at her and Y/N gives her a smile.

"It's no problem, really."

Lauren smiled and gave Y/N a kiss.

After the baby was born, Y/N was exhausted. She worked and help Lauren take care of the baby.

She was happy though. Notice the keyword "was".

After two years of living like a family, Lauren started to get distant.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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