Chapter 15 - Angel sent from the waffle Gods

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"Alexa." A distant voice cooed trying to wake me but the problem was that I didn't want to. I felt safe in this wonderful tingly warmth covering me and that was enough to keep my fuzzy mind at ease. Cuddling into this feeling I couldn't help but want to be closer to the warmth.

"I think she's waking." Another voice spoke sounding relieved.

I felt a light touch of tingles pat my cheek as a smooth deep voice spoke once again reassuring me, "I've got you Little Mouse, I won't let anything hurt you."

Hurt me? Is something going to hurt me? Wait I know that waffle fucking voice!

Then it all came back to me. The fight with Aden and the snap in the woods. Someone was definitely watching us. We got to run, we have to get out of here.

My heartbeat quickened and I finally became aware of my surroundings. The tingles I felt wrapped around me like arms...Aden's arms. He was holding onto me calming down my racing heart.

My head still fuzzy I slowly opened my eyes to be greeted by worried stormy grey eyes. I felt frozen in place captivated by his eyes not wanting to break away from the safe feeling they gave me. I could stay like this forever letting all my worries and fears wash away.

Unfortunately, feet shuffling next to us broke our intense gaze bring me back to reality. Fear coursed through my body once again putting me on high alert. "W-what happened? Where a-are we?"

"We are still in the garden, you fainted Al." My head snapped to the voice that just spoke and to my luck it was Nolan. He had a fatherly look of worry written all over his face as he got down to my leave.

Feeling confused I looked at both of them and questioned, "how long was I out?"

"Only for five to two minutes tops," Aden was the one to speak now still holding onto me like his life depended on it. "Those minutes felt like hours." He mumbled under his breath that I almost didn't hear.

Still confused I looked to Nolan, "how did Nolan get here so fast?"

"Aden told me that you seemed to scared to be out of the house after your run in the woods and thought that I should guard the garden since you are most comfortable with me." Nolans worry lines softened as he saw me visibly relax.

The realisation that I was safe washed over me like a big comforting wave. Aden had believed my worry about being followed and took action to protect me. He knew I could have just overreacted but he took that step to make me comfortable. This news caused my heart to skip a beat as I started at my mate in wonder.

"I thought someone was watching us like when I was being watched by the waterfall," I confessed feeling stupid for freaking out in the first place. "I didn't know it was you, I couldn't even get a whiff of your scent. Is something wrong with me?"

Both Aden and Nolan broke out in laughter. Getting mad that they were both laughing at me I shoved at Aden to let go of me even if his arms felt like heaven on earth but he just held on tighter and calmed his laughter a little. With a cheeky grin, he apologised quietly to me.

"What was so funny?" I couldn't help but pout madly at them.

Nolan got up from his crouched position sighing deeply. "Well I guess now is better than never to give you a little history lesson on Hunters."

Nolan held out a hand to me to help me up probably noticing my discomfort from being on the floor. Aden let me go so I could take Nolan's hand as he pulled me up off the floor. I still felt a little dizzy but Aden was back by my side holding my elbow up to stabilise me.

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