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"what's your problem, shitface?" Jason spat angrily, shoving me against the shut bathroom door.

"Calm down, why so mad?" I smirked cockily.

"You want to be a smartass, right?" He sneered, raising his fist close to my face making me roll my eyes.

"Put that away I'm only here to take a piss" I said calmly, palming his fist and pushing it aside.

"Do it then" he groaned, giving me space.

"In front of you, I don't think so man" I said, shaking my head, my face getting serious.

"Whatever" he scoffed, leaving.


  After drying my hands, I left the bathroom finding Jason leaning against the wall, waiting for me.

"Oh you waited how nice" my tone was just oozing with sarcasm.

"Don't try to play smart Ryder, you and I both know that you like Aleister but reality check you dumbass, he's mine" he spat and without warning, my fist went flying in the air, striking Jason across the jaw and sending him hurdling towards the floor.

"You nasty fucker" I quickly got on top of him, punching his face as hard as my heavy fists could muster.

  He threw a few punches as well, suddenly pushing me off him. On both feet bow, we were evenly matched. Punches were thrown, kicks striking at the most delicate of places, knees gouging at probably now bruised ribs and then almost suddenly, we were pulled apart, both by our own fathers.

"Let me go!" we struggled, trying to get out of our dads' holds.

"Jason!" I watched as a teary eyed Aleister rushed towards a swollen and bloody faced Jason.

"Leave me" through gritted teeth, I struggled out of my dad's grip.

"Have fun with your little boyfriend" I growled, my hands still balled up in fists as I approached the door.

   Everyone, except Aleister who was fussing over Jason and two of the triplets who looked like they'd just watched a WWE match stared, had their faces reflecting mortification.

I growled, pushing past the light crowd and heading downstairs for the exit.

"Ryder!" I heard Aleister call out and I stopped but did turn.

  Suddenly, he ran up in front of me, his eyes showing sadness, as streams of tears trickled. He was letting out deep pants and as his dull melancholy eyes darted deep into mine, I felt a paining pang in my chest.

"Aleister I-" I wasn't even given the chance to apologise when I felt the strike.

  My face was whisked to the right and my hand instinctively reached up to my cheek, rubbing the stinging area.

"You started this didn't you, you just couldn't keep your stupid sarcasm to yourself all through the dinner, huh" he hit my chest repeatedly, venting out his sad frustrations while I stood silently, taking it all, slowly feeling my own temper begin to surface.

"Well I'm sorry I ruined your dinner then" my jaws clenching, I pushed him aside, walking straight ahead before the doors shut behind me.

"So after beating up my boyfriend, you just leave like a coward huh!" Aleister yelled out, his words hitting every raging bone in my body.

"So the injuries on my face mean nothing, huh? And maybe I wouldn't have beaten him up if you'd just realized how much you really mean to me" I quickly threw the door shut. Never looking back, I walked further away from the house.

  I couldn't use the car. I groaned, frustrated but began walking. Walking as far as my legs could carry me. My hands fisted my pockets as my messy brown hair swayed with the chilly winds of the night.

"Why did you fucking do that, Ryder?" I looked down at my ever moving feet, mumbling.

"Can't you just be happy for your step brother?" I took a deep breath, asking rhetorically.

  Numerous thoughts flooded my brain as I kicked each foot further. I finally gave up, looking up at where my heavy feet brought me. I read the italic writings out loud.

"Light Peace Cemetery" I sighed out, the name, heavy as it escaped my busted lip.

I walked in, my feet getting heavier with every step through the widespread greenery. Minutes of long strides was all it took before I found it. Her grave.

With no pack of cigarettes to fuel my emotions tonight, all I did was lay down next to the stone, the insects buzzing around in the air. My eyes looking up at the pale crescent moon then going further to study the dots of white adorning the grim darkness constituting the natural beauty of the night.

"Why does it seem like my stars are too dim to mask the darkness that daily consumes me?" With that, I turned to my side. I sighed, ignoring the physical pain I was feeling and closing my eyes to sleep.


  The humming of birds was all I could hear as rejuvenated energy hoisted me up to my feet in the early morning.

"Mornin' mom" I leaned in to plant a tender peck on her name, smiling down at it afterwards.

  I then stood up straight before beginning my walk, leaving the premises.

  As I strolled down the concrete pavement, my mind went back to last night. I could still remember the disappointment in his eyes. I shouldn't have gone to that dinner, it would've been better if I was left at home.

"I failed at trying" I sighed out, shoving my hands into my pockets and continuing my walk.

  The long walk eventually led me home. I looked up at the building, my face was heavy from swells but not as much as my heart which was also achingly heavy from pent up emotions all resulting from last night's events.

  As I finally gathered myself to the front door, I let out a sigh of exhaustion and opened, entering. Both faces of Sam and dad froze as they laid eyes on me.

   Silently and awkwardly, I closed the door, moving quickly towards the stairs. I jogged up, heading for my room and closing the door behind me as I entered.

"Aleister!" I mustered the courage to call out.

  No reply, I tried again. Nothing. No shower was running neither did I hear any other bathroom noises. The room was empty plus it was a weekend so where could have gone at this time?

  Instinctively, I checked his side of the wardrobe, no changes. He never came back after I left. He stayed, just not with me.

😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭  I feel bad for Ryder now..... For the JADERs, head onto my profile... follow me if you feel like.....check my works for Sissy Boy(18+)...add it to your library and or reading lists to be up to date with the smutty parts of Sissy Boy...

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