16.3 Protecting What Is Important

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One only needed to kill Lang Yuan to bring him back to his world.

Of course, Dong Wei could do that in one move. By just simply stabbing Lang Yuan, he could bring back the youth to where they should be, and then he will kill his self to follow. However, things are not that simple. If it was, he could have done it the first time he found Lang Yuan. There are also rules about this matter that he thankfully learned beforehand or else he could have ended both of their lives.

The entity can only be returned to his world if killed by the Rules.

Since only The Rules knows the existence of the entity, it is also only them who has the ability to return the entity back to its home. Dong Wei did not know how but the Rules have their way on things. They are the laws of this universe so it can be said that returning a lost soul is very easy. It's as if they are just plucking seeds from a fruit then planting it back to a new plot.

So, the thought of killing Lang Yuan and committing suicide is out of question.

Dong Wei told JiDan that his plan is to hide Lang Yuan from the Rules, but actually, he is paving the way to be noticed. The moment the Rules will see them, they will be stricken to death. Neither JiDan nor the emperor could stop them from returning. It would be too late for these people to realize their departure.

Using the tactics Dong Wei gave to JiDan, they successfully operated the plan without mishaps. It can be said that they were moving so fast that one would realize an anomaly. JiDan always felt that something is wrong but he could not place a finger over it. However, on his twelfth kill, he encountered his first stepping-stone.

He did not expect to meet Kun Shao.

Kun Shao, the hermit gardener, is actually a former general that once hailed as the strongest amongst the dragons. He is said to be able to shake the heavens in one strike, and could even split the dimension of time. Though, the general retired after the late emperor descended the throne to give way to the new generation.

That is to say, Kun Shao is one of the oldest people on the empire. But due to his constitution he never showed any signs of aging. He also remained in seclusion to which Emperor Yu XueQin granted him. To meet such a strong foe, JiDan has no chance of surviving. However, due to the legendary weapon, Kun Shao won't be able to attack carelessly.

If ever they face in a fight once again, JiDan is sure that he'll be beheaded without even knowing about it.

He escaped the conflict and somehow became the catalyst of the events. His identity is now getting clearer and anytime people will start to suspect him. With Lang Yuan's intelligence, this case about the god killer would be solved in an instant. This is the reason why JiDan would always distract Lang Yuan during discussions, or wish that he will not come or else he will be discovered.

For Yu XueQin, he is always been partial to his kin. He will not suspect the persons on his sides. Like Lang Yuan, none of them will think that it was all JiDan's wonders. It is because the parents are always been biased to their children. If ever some major mistakes are done, they won't blame their kids but the other person instead. This is like the instinct to protect the young.

Now, after escaping from the Emperor and the Former General, JiDan used his flame to ignite the whole sect on flames before teleporting out. They arrived at the expected location. JiDan is still carrying Lang Yuan while Zhong Song is hanging on Dong Wei's shoulders. Their next direction is to walk towards the middle of the forest where the concentration of energy is abundant.

They already mapped the whole forest creating small pathways to guide them on their journey. These pathways are just grazes on the ground, a trench-like marking to remind them on the right way. Since the Forbidden Forest is a dangerous place, it is important for an individual to become familiar of its sites. Or else, one poor soul could get lost in a monster's nest and would be eaten alive.

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