MomoJirou - Thunderstorms (Fluff)

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(Credit to MomoGayorozu0923 for the idea plus I have seen this in other stories but I can't remember exactly where)

                    -Momo's POV-
   It was a rainy Friday night in the dorms. Well, rainy was an understatement. It was storming outside. The thunder and rain where very loud, yet everyone seemed to be asleep besides me and Jirou, who had a room next to me on the top floor. She was playing very loud music which of course stopped me from sleeping. I wasn't in a good mood so I decided to go tell her to turn it off so I stormed over there and opened the door.
   "Jirou, turn your damn music down!" I basically shouted. I felt sorry for yelling once I saw her under a few blankets with tears streaming down her face. I turned the music off and slid into the bed with her. I instantly tried to calm her down.
   "Jirou, what's wrong?" I asked as I ran one hand through her hair and had my other arm around her waist.
   "T-the th-thunder...i-it-" suddenly, thunder crashed loudly causing Jirou to scream and cry more. She burried her face into my chest, well more so my boobs but I didn't mind. I realized the thunder is louder to her because of her quirk. I pulled my shirt up and made some fluffy earmuffs for her to put on. I put the earmuffs on her.
   "Is that better..?" I asked before the thunder crashed again.
   "Y-yeah..." she wrapped her arms around my waist as she spoke, "thanks, Yaomomo."
   "No problem," I said, "you can sleep with me anytime theres a storm, Jirou."
   "You can head back to your dorm if you w-want," she said.
   "I think I'll stay here tonight if that's okay with you," I replied.
   "T-that would be nice," she said as she smiled and nuzzled her head into my neck. We both feel asleep after a bit, still in each others arms.

                    -Jirou's POV-
   I woke up only to find Yaomomo straddling me. Of course I turned red after recalling that she fell asleep with me. I took the earmuffs off and barely sat up so I could put them on the side table. I was so close to setting them down, but Yaomomo suddenly shifted from laying on her side to laying on her back. I fell ontop of her and facefirst into her boobs. I felt my face turn dark red as I heard her wake up.
   "Jirou..?" Yaomomo said sleepily.
   "I-I can e-explain!" I quickly said as I sat up, "y-you moved in your sleep a-and I fell onto you..!" Yaomomo giggled and gently grabbed my wrist as I got up.
   "Why did you have the loud music on last night?" She asked.
   "It usually helps me block the thunder out," I said.
   "Okay," she said as she pulled me back onto the bed, "where are you going? We don't have class." Her boobs were touching my chest which made my face turn dark red.
   "U-uh..." I could barely speak as she gently grabbed my chin. She got closer to me and closed the gap between us with a kiss. After the shock went away, I kissed back. We pulled away after a bit and my face was dark red.
   "Your lips are soft, Jir-" I cut her off.
   "You just kissed me and you're gonna call me Jirou?" I laughed, "call me Kyouka now."
   "Alright, Kyouka," she said as she smiled, "call me Momo then."
   "Do you want to be my girlfriend, Momo?" I asked as I stood up and held my hand out to her.
   "Of course," she said as she grabbed my hand. We walked downstairs to the lounge as we held eachothers hand.

(as you can see im bad at writing fluff oof)

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