chapter 11

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Instead of taking her to my house I brought her to the doctors office. She pissed at me for tricking her but I had to. There is no way that I could take care of her on my own, she needs an experts advice and medicine, so I don't understand why she has to be so damn stubborn about it.

When she did a checkup the doctor said she had a flu so she had to get an injection. That's when she freaked out, wow I did not know that she didn't like that stuff. I thought only kids hated needles but I guess some adults do too. I had to keep her calm and she was on guard the whole time.

She has a phobia of needles

"Mariya you have to keep still, it's only a little pinch" I assured her and she wrapped her arms around me then squeezed her eyes shut.

"Ok go now" Mariya said and the doctor picked up the injection then inject the needle into her skin. She flinched and a whimper left her lips.

"All done" the doctor said and Mariya opened her eyes.

"See, look how easy that was" I told her and she rolled her eyes.

"It wasn't, you didn't have a needle sticking inside your skin until it touched the bone" She said with a little bit of attitude then pulled away from me.

"Okay, ensure that she gets a lot of rest, and ensure that she eats. This injection can has drugs in it so it may make her act a little funny or in other words a change her behavior" The doctor said and I nodded. "I'll write you a prescription and you get yourself these drugs, ok" he said and I nodded then took the paper.

"Thank you doctor" I thanked him and he nodded.

"Mariya lets go" I said and she smiled.

"Finally I can get to go home" She said as we walked out of the doctors office.

"No, we are going to my house. You're still sick and I don't think I can leave you all by yourself" I told and she whined.

"Fine" she agreed and I took her hand in mine then made my way over to the car.

"When I'm going to pick up the girls, I'll get your medicine on the way" I said and she nodded.

"Can we order pizza when we get to your house?" She asked and I nodded.

I pulled into my driveway then parked the car. "We are here" I said and she looked over at me. Her eyes says it all, she was tired. I got out of the car then went around to her side. I opened the door for her then helped her get out.

"Pizza" she said as we entered my house.

"I think it would be better if you drank some tea or soup... you know something a little healthy" I told her and she shook her head.

"No Lorenzo you promised pizza" she whined while hitting me on the chest. Wow she's acting childish, I guess the drug finally kicked in.

"Fine, pizza it is" I said in defeat then took out my phone. "Go lay down" I told her and she shook her head.

"Noo, I don't want to" she whined but it was evident that she wanted to sleep.

A few seconds later I was notified by the guards that the pizza guy came. "That was quick" I said as I made my way over to the door. I opened it and the pizza guy handed me the pizza box.

"Good day, here is your pizza, have a good one" He said and I looked at him, he looked as if he didn't want to be there, he was upset about something. Bad customer service.

"Sign here" he lazily said and I took the pen. He looked up at me and his eyebrows furrowed. "Don't I know you, I've seen you somewhere?" He asked and I shrugged.

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