. 1 - Nostalgia Hurts .

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A/N; Y'all know the Mike Inel's Designs for "Tawog as Anime"? Those are the designs I'll be referring to. All outfits are mostly the same. Also, this takes place in the medieval times, featuring villages and castles. Ty.

Edit~ I realized how many Mistakes I made, so I went back and tampered with the ages. The age difference is now one year instead of two, and it should all add up to 16 and 17 now. It took way too long to fix. Extra; Anais has also been changed, she's fifteen, like in the other story.


12 Years Ago - 4 Years Old - Darwin


The Village was quiet. It was late at night, around 10:00 pm. The only sound was gentle footsteps in the grass. A mother, short dark brown hair on acorn colored skin. She had her hand tugging her 4 year old child, who was stumbling and trying to keep up without his mother's fingernails digging into his skin.  

The mother slowed down as they reached a center, and walked in. "Hello Ma'am, how can I help you?" a kind woman asked. The mother narrowed her eyes. "I don't have enough money to take care of this ungrateful little brat." she said, her voice cold and hard. The young child looked up at his Mother. "Who?" he asked innocently.

In reply the mother let go of him, focusing on the woman. "So... You'd like to Foster him, put him for adoption... What are we doing?" The woman asked. "I don't want to see this boy again. Disown him. Put him up for adoption." The mother replied. The woman nodded. "Just sign the papers..."  

Meanwhile, young Darwin stayed close to his Mother, clearly nervous. "What's going on..." he said quietly. The silence was suddenly tense. His Mom finally broke the silence. "You're gonna lose me. Forever." she said, not bothering to sugarcoat it. "W-What? Can you visit me? O-Or we just go home?" Darwin begged. The mother finished signing the papers. "No." and with that, she left forever.


Darwin was taken to the back, where all the others were. It had only been a five or ten minutes, and he already knew almost everyone. There were a few he didn't know, but there were 'bad' or he 'wasn't ready to meet them.' The following morning, he was greeted by a tall girl, at least 9 years old.

"So, you're new here?" the girl asked. Darwin nodded. "I was dropped off yesterday." he said, a hint of sadness in his voice. The girl sighed a bit, before speaking. "I bet you're too young to get this, but we have the... 'Secret promise' that everyone in the 'cult' has to swear. Aka you gotta pretend to do something like all the other rejects."

Darwin tilted his head. "What's a Cult? What's a Reject?" he asked. "Exactly." the girl replied. "Just repeat after me. We're in this together, and I swear that I'll never go down without a fight, no matter who wants to take me away.'" she said. Darwin nodded. "We're in this as... A team... And I... Sword that I'll never ever go away without a fight, no.... wants me to take away-" he stammered.

The girl snorted. "Good enough. I'm Mako, and I think you'll fit right in."


6 Years Ago - 11 Years Old - Gumball


It was easy. Well, easier said then done. That's what Gumball thought when he was told 'The Plan.' It started when the Family was discussing what they would do about their money when Anais constructed the perfect 3-Step plan.

1 - Cut out old sponges into thick but small circles until we have a dozen of them.

2 - Melt down some candles, and pour the wax over the sponge cut outs. Wait for it to cool off and dry.

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