The Family Business Part 2

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Kingston POV

"Father, What a pleasure to finally see you," I said sarcastically.

"Same son," he said taking a seat in front of me.

I took a deep breath preparing for the worse.

"As you know, I already talked to you about the warehouse getting mapped out by the feds. But I have something else to say to you," he said.

I nodded listening. But why couldn't he tell me what he needed to tell me over the phone though.

"This is not something to be taken lightly. The feds are on our ass because you're so fucking careless," he exclaimed.

I stared at him blankly not responding.

"I been in this game for 36 years boy and this shit ain't no fucking joke. You need to start taking shit more seriously," he hollered.

"I do take it seriously, I just slipped up this one time, dad damn," I huffed.

He looked at me shaking his head.

"Oh mi señor, ¿En qué estaba pensando dejándote a cargo? Apenas eres legal," he said in distressed.

Translation- Oh my lord, What was I thinking leaving you in charge. You're barely Legal.

"What are you talking about, I was handling it," I huffed

"You're handling it, handling it , handling it, You're not handling shit and I'm tired of you saying that. I could've taken care of this shit a week ago but I was waiting on you to do what you need to do," he exclaimed.

"I did what I needed to do already," I stated.

"What did you do," he questioned?

"I found out who was stealing my product,"I responded.

"You just finding that shit out? I found out who was stealing your product, the same day it happened. Silas steps was too messy, he couldn't cover his tracks. It was too noticeable!"

"It's done. Silas is dead! I already took care of it. You was too broke off in your own ass to realize," he spoke again.

"I'm tired of you treating me like a child, I could've did it myself," I hollered!

"¡Eres un niño! Todo lo que haces es ir a clubes y emborracharte y drogarte. Solo te estás convirtiendo en un blanco fácil. No crees que la gente te está mirando," he screamed standing up!

Translation- YOU ARE A CHILD! All you do is go out to clubs and get drunk and high. You're just making yourself an easy target. You don't think others are watching you?!

"You need to be alert at all time. One wrong move and you can lose your fucking life," he exclaimed.

"Dad stop Saying th-

"No, necesitas escuchar la verdad. La muerte está sobre ti. Y antes de tener que enterrar a otro de mis hijos, voy a tener que despedirte," his voice lowered.

No, You need to hear the truth. Death is on you. And before I have to bury another son of mine, I'm going to have to send you off.

I hate when he brings up my brother. That's a Sensitive subject for me. My brother died taking a bullet in the head for me 2 years ago.

I remember it like it was yesterday. My brother and Leel were partners in crime. You see him, you see Leel. They were like two peas in a pod.

After Lonzo died, Leel vowed to always make sure that I was straight. I miss him so much. It brought back tears to my eyes just thinking about it.

When I seen him laying on that ground, dead, I lost my mind for real.

Lonzo never wanted me to get my hands dirty. He never wanted me to witness a murder.

It was sad to see that the first murder I ever witnessed was his. I blamed myself for his death everyday.

If only I was paying attention and not high off my ass that night. This is why I'm the way I am now.

I snapped out of my thoughts looking back up at my dad.

"One of my inside men that work at the station reported to me last night that they have been trying to get a warrant out for your arrest but they can't seem to find any evidence on you. So they can't move forward with it," he said clearing his throat.

"I know, Luez already looked into that for me," I said lying.

"Son I just want what best for you, that's all. I hope you know that. I know it seems like I'm being too hard on you. But you know that I have always given you a choice," he said.

"I know dad."

"The offer still stands, if you want out of this life, just say the word," he exclaimed.

"I already made my choice. I'm next in line to lead the cartel. I know what I want," I responded

"Moving how you moving, You're not ready to lead nothing," he spoke shaking his head.

"I am ready," I spatted out.

"¡Eres demasiado vacilante! No estás listo. Tú-, he cut himself off before taking a deep breath and asking

Translation- You're too hesitant! You're not ready. You-

"Have Leel called you yet," he asked

"Yeah, I talked to him on the phone today, I nodded."

"Have you already packed," he asked.

"Packed for what," I frowned.

"Regresarás a Mississippi, eso es. Ve a empacar tu mierda que te vas con Leel," he said.

Translation-You're going back to Mississippi, that's what. Go pack your shit you're leaving tomorrow with Leel.

"No quiero volver a Mississippi, no hay una mierda allí," I said annoyed.

Translation- I don't wanna go back to Mississippi, ain't shit down there.

"I don't give a fuck what you want. I'm not doing this for myself, I'm doing this for you. I'll have my men to come and pick up your things tonight," he said walking out slamming my office door.

I put my head on the table huffing.

I just knew that he was gonna do this shit.
Mutha-fuckas always wanna try to tell me what I can and can't handle and what I can and can't do.

I'm fucking sick of it.

I opened up my drawer, grabbing a blunt.

I wasted no time lighting the blunt, placing it between my lips.

I pulled the smoke into my mouth, holding it in before I released it into the air.

It's like all my worries and all my problems went away.

I hissed putting the blunt back to my lips, pulling the smoke in again. But this time I swallowed the smoke watching it come out of nose.

Recap Over

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