Unforgettable lesson

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The 5am wake up call would definitely not be a problem for Amaya, she didn't sleep much anyway. No breakfast though? that was one suggestion she would be ignoring. Anyway, there was only one person to every make her vomit from training so hard, and she could wipe the floor with kakashi... The Ishikawa thought as she shoved a handful of dry cereal in her mouth as she made her way to the training field. The dim streets of Konoha were virtually empty, most people choosing to sleep in on this lazy Sunday morning. The sun had barely risen above the buildings on either side of the street casting long cold shadows across the empty street.

"Dry cereal from the bag, classy,"

Amaya stopped in her tracks before her head slowly swung to the right to find none other then Shikamaru leaned against an empty market stall. She quirked a brow, though she had felt the chakra signature she ignored it reasoning it to be a villager or shop owner. Not him of all people.

"Oh well you know- I try," She sang sarcastically, now turning to face him.

"Whats got you up so early?" Amaya hummed crossing her arms.

the corner of his mouth lifted.

"What a guy can't wake up early when he wants?" She snorted at his response.

"Shikamaru- I can't say I've known your for long... but 9 out of 10 times I've see you, your sleeping. Jus' didn't peg me as an early riser," She shrugged. His eyes softened and he crossed his arms leaning into the stall behind him with a huff.

"Our new Sensei is making up meet to take some stupid test," He murmured.

"Not a fan?" She inquired.

"He's a nice guy I suppose- just a little hard to read... What about you?" She was surprised at his question, he could tell she was beginning to get overwhelmed with the conversation.

"Ah well- He's alright, he hasn't given me enough to make a judgment yet," Not exactly a lie.

There was a beat of silence as they both looked at one another, the street eerily quiet making it feel as though they were the only two in the whole village. The shadows from the building cut through the sunlight giving the air a cool chill. For some reason they both found it quite easy talking to one another, despite how little they'd interacted in the past.

Finally, Shikamaru opened his mouth to speak but was soon interrupted by a rather shrilly voice.

"Shikamaru!" Both their head shot to the left to find a very angry Ino Yamanaka. She was a little ways down the road, waiving at him- Choji at her side.

"Would you hurry up! we're gonna be late!" The blond cried.

"Sounds like your in trouble," Amaya chirped her voice a cool, soft contrast to Ino's. Shikamaru let out a small laugh shaking his head.

"Troublesome..." Amaya couldn't tell if he was talking about Ino or her. She'd like to think it was the latter. Her honey eyes inspected her watch and she let out a sigh.

"Looks like I'm late too- see you around." She made her leave quick. Is that how your supposed to end a conversation? She asked herself. She wasn't exactly sure, to say the least her people skills were rusty. Regardless, Shikamaru watched her go with a contemplative look.

"Shikamaru come on!"

He shot a glare to his new teammate.

"Alright! Alright!" He hollered back. His eyes drifting to where Amaya once stood.

"What a drag..."


"Hey Amaya!" Naruto grinned as she approached the center of the training field, where her new team stood sleepily. Like sunshine... She though as he looked to her happily. Naruto could be a little annoying at times- and Amaya definitely didn't like loud people, but in his case she found it rather endearing. Usually loud people just want attention, they speak with the idea everyone is watching. Not him though, if Naruto was anything he was unapologetically himself. That was something she admired.

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