By Moonlight

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A/N: Hey Loves! I know it's been a while since I've updated. I'm feeling really sick so I'll lay down and write! I'm thinking of ending this story and writing a Clexa AU. What do you think? Thoughts? Ideas? What would y'all like to read? I just need some opinions!! Enjoy! :D

3rd Person POV

"Clarke we cannot turn back. We must continue forward and into Azgeda Territory. The Nightbloods are still missing and Queen Niya has not surrendered." Lexa paced back and forth in their tent. She ran her fingers through her hair, obviously stressed and worried.

"Lexa, it isn't safe." Clarke moves forward to close the distance between them.

"I told you it wouldn't be safe!" Lexa extended her hand to stop Clarke from coming any closer. Her other hand found her forehead, she rubbed gentle circles on her temple.


"Stop! Clarke you shouldn't have come! This is going to be dangerous, people are going to die. I will not leave without the Night Bloods!" Lexa turned away from Clarke and began fumbling with the papers on the table.

"Well I'm here now! I'm not leaving!" Clarke placed her hand on Lexa's shoulder in an attempt to soothe her.

"Clarke, I cant leave them." Lexa placed her head in her hands, allowing her voice to break as she spoke.

"Hey, I know" Clarke nuzzled her face into the side of Lexa's neck. "We won't."

"I can't loose them Clarke! They are gone because of me, in danger because of me!" Clarke felt Lexa's muscles tense, "It was my duty to protect them and I failed." Lexa became ridged aa she slammed her fist down on the table, startling Clarke. "I FAILED THEM!"

Clarke didn't take a step back, instead she pressed her front against Lexa's back and gently played with her hair. Gripping her around the waist and swaying them gently. "You did no such thing."

"I did." Lexa chocked on her words, her eyes stinging as water pooled there.

"You're wrong. You cannot blame yourself. What happened has already happened. All you can do now is find them, and we will." Clarke brushed a piece of Lexa's hair that had loosened from her braid behind her ear.

Lexa grabbed Clarke's hand and leaned into it, finding comfort in her touch. "What if we don't."

Clarke stepped back from Lexa and pulled her hand to turn her around. Once they were facing each other Clarke put both her hands on Lexa's shoulders. "We will."

"How can you be so sure." Lexa put her own hand on top of Clarke's.

"They have been trained by you Lexa, I'm sure they are already trying to find us." Clarke smiled warmly.

"Maybe." Lexa allowed herself a small chuckle.

"It's going to be dark soon." Clarke rested a reassuring hand on Lexa's shoulder. "We will start looking for them in the morning."

Lexa nodded, the sadness in her eyes obvious to Clarke. "In the morning." She confirmed.

Clarke walked towards the bed and stopped when her knees hit the edge. She reached down to the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her shoulders, exposing her back to Lexa.

Lexa smiled to herself and let out a content sigh. She walked forward and grabbed Clarke's hips, placing a warm kiss on her shoulder.

Clarke chuckled to herself and turned her head to smile gratefully up at Lexa. "I know how much they mean to you Lexa."

Lexa tightened her grip on Clarke and buried her face into tho her shoulder, sighing into her skin.

"It's okay to miss them, to be sad or worried." Clarke turned to face Lexa and grabbed the sides of her face gently.

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