A Few Weeks

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A few weeks had gone by. You and Jimin were living the life of luxury. Your puppy was getting bigger by the minute to the point where she started gaining weight too.

Jimin had just come through the door with bags full of shopping.

"Baby, help me with putting this away?" he asked, kicking the door shut with his foot as his hands were occupied. You nodded your head before following behind him towards the kitchen.

As you were helping him unpack the shopping, his phone rang.


You carried on with the shopping bags and just thought that it was Jimin's boss asking him to come into work. But you were wrong.

"What?! Is he okay!? I'm getting the next flight back to you!" Jimin quickly slammed his phone down before rushing towards his laptop, opening it and rapidly typing his password to unlock it.

You watched in confusion before leaving the shopping on the side and going over to him. He had tears falling down his cheeks, little sniffles could be heard from him.

"Hey, what's happened?" You rubbed his back, slightly giving him a neck massage. He turned around to you and just cried. It worried you even more.

"J-jin hyung... He got h-hit by a car." He broke down right in front of you, grabbing onto the bottom of your T-shirt lightly. You took his perfect hands into yours and held him close. He buried his face into your neck, his breathing uneven.

After a little while, he calmed down. You both put the rest of the shopping away and kept a close eye out for a phone call from any of the others. Jimin was quiet, really quiet. But you just left him to be. You sat down on the sofa and turned the TV on. Jimin was sat on the other end, constantly checking his phone for a message or call. You slowly moved towards him and cuddled into him, kissing his cheek a few times before turning his face to face yours, kissing his plump lips.

"He's going to be fine, I promise mochi." You quietly said, pressing your forehead against his. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths before nodding his head. You carried on watching the TV while Jimin kept constantly checking his phone every two minutes. You could tell he was getting tired after hearing him yawn 20 times in the last 5 minutes.

"Why don't you try and sleep for a bit, Jiminie?" you looked up to meet a drained looking Jimin. He looked wrecked. His eyes were droopy and his head kept bobbing off. You laid him down on the sofa and climbed over him so he could still cuddle you while he slept. With that, he fell asleep.

You had made sure that Jimin's phone notifications were on and loud enough to wake him up if anyone called. By the time you laid back down with Jimin, you started feeling tired too. You could feel yourself doze off in Jimin's arms.

It was peaceful.

Okay I'm sorry for being soooo late for updating but so much has happened and I just havent had the energy boost to write. My mocks are coming up and I've got exams coming up too so yeah.. Vote! Comment! And follow mee! ILY!

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