Visits from The Dead.

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"I have a friend on the outside, who is going to get us out." Lilah explained to Jonathan, the pair both of whom were staring out the window, 

"Who? Edward Nigma?" Jonathan asked with disgust at the idea of the two of them working together. Lilah shook her head, 

"Christian Sawyer. Or should I say: Rameses al Ghul." She grinned. Jonathan looked at her, 

"Ra's al Ghul?" He asked. 

"His son, actually." Lilah said, "Raleigh is his twin sister, her real name is Karliah al Ghul." as the information about Raleigh reached Jonathan's ears, he frowned softly and cussed under his breath, 

"That explains quite a bit." He mused. Lilah saw no reason to question him about what he meant by that.  

"Lilah Doute." Lyle's voice came from behind them- Lilah turned to face him, raising her eyebrow in question, "You have a visitor." He spoke with a large amount of disliking in his voice, 

"Who is it?" She asked. Lyle gave no answer, merely turning on his heel and moving away from them, a clear indication she was to follow. Stealing a quick glance at Jonathan, Lilah got up from where she sat and followed him, "You're not a talkative one are you?" She asked with a small smirk, her eyes fixated on Lyle who ignored her as they walked through the hallways and towards the visiting rooms,

"You have ten minutes and that's all." Lyle told her, unlocking the first room and opening it. Lilah stepped into the room and found her eyes fall onto an older man with greying hair and a goatee. He was well-dressed and sat at the table with his hands placed comfortably on it's surface, watching her with a small, polite smile on his face,

"Lilah Doute, I presume?" Lilah gave a stiff nod, moving to sit across from the man who she was certain she knew the identity of,

"Ra's al Ghul." She replied and the man gave a steady nod, his smile broadening,

"I am told that you are working besides Jonathan Crane and are a good friend of two of my children." He spoke with a clear, yet calm tone of voice, but even that was enough to send chills up Lilah's spine,

"You were told correct." She replied lightly. Ra's tilted his head,

"May I ask how Karliah and Rameses are doing?" Lilah swallowed, she wasn't entirely sure how to reply to his question. Karliah was in the Asylum along side her, possibly not to Ra's knowledge and her best friend was running around Gotham trying to A) get her out and B) Stop his father,

"They're... They're good." Lilah nodded, fumbling with the end of her singlet. Ra's chuckled lightly and something told her that he knew she was lying and that there was more to her story than what she was saying.

"You cannot lie to me. I know all too well that my children wish to see me dead. I also know that you've agreed to help them with their... quest." He said. Lilah was silent. "Although I am pleased to see the pair getting along, I believe it would be greatly beneficial to everyone if I was able to have a little chat with them. So if you would kindly tell me where I could find them, I will promise to spare your's and Crane's life if you do so." He said, leaning forward on the table,

"I don't know. I have not seen either Rameses or Karliah since I ended up here." She lied. Lilah tried her best to act natural, but using Raleigh and Christian's real names was just strange and seemed almost foreign when she spoke them. Ra's al Ghul and Lilah locked eyes and a silence fell between them, as if Ra's was waiting for something. A minute later, Lilah knew what it was he had been waiting for- covering her ears, a loud alarm echoed throughout the Asylum along with screaming of both patients and staff members,

"What did you do!?" Lilah screamed at Ra's al Ghul who slowly stood, making his way around to her,

"Jonathan Crane is important to my plan. He won't work if you're dead, so for your own safety, I am putting you in my protection." He smiled, grabbing her arm and dragging her up and out of the chair, "And as for my children. I already know that Karliah resides here. I also know the location of Rameses, so do not think that your lies have spared them. I just now know where your loyalties lie." Pulling her away, Ra's dragged her out through the visitors door, calmly moving through the array of patients and staff all consumed within the chaos that Ra's had begun.

"Let me go!" She cried, trying to fight her way out of his hold with no luck. Ra's ignored her and didn't even look at her as she tried to fight against him. Lilah was amazed at the strength a man of his age had. As he pulled her outside, Lilah set her eyes onto Raleigh, who was fighting a pair of Ra's al Ghul's men with every inch of strength she had. As they drew closer, Ra's threw Lilah towards one of the other men, who caught her, holding her in place as Ra's approached his daughter,

"You." She spat in near disbelief, scrambling back away from Ra's al Ghul, her own father who quickly caught her hand, pulling her towards him. Examining her face, Ra's smiled,

"You look like your mother." He smiled, running a hand over her forehead, brushing the hair back out of her face. Raleigh glared,

"My mother was a jealous bitch." She snapped. Ra's bit his lip, tilting his head before nodding at one the men. The man raced forward at Ra's al Ghul's command, taking a hold of Raleigh, who screamed numerous insults at Ra's before tossing her and Lilah into the back of a van and quickly closing the doors, locking them instantly. As Raleigh slammed her fists against the doors, Lilah simply sat back, what was the use of fighting when you were already dead.

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