Chapter 4

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Warning! This Chapter will have some mature themes! Bullying, sucidal thoughts, etc, if that makes you uncomfortable, then please skip that part! Thank you for supporting the story, but I am warning you now!

Aimi's POV

I wonder, why is it that Kyo wants to beat Yuki, so bad? Maybe Kyo resents the fact that he was tricked? Just like the cat in the old zodiac. And, it isn't my place to ask, or at least, not right now. Especially since I'm like 99% sure that Kyo doesn't like me in the slightest.

Tohru had came back shortly after the boys finished, as I was cleaning. I gave her some food before going for a shower and washing my uniform for the next day.

The Next Day

As it turns out, Kyo is in my class, and once we got here, all the girls have done have ogled him. But I felt so bad, he looked terrifed. Yuki soon walked in, and as soon as he did, he got asked by a girl whether the new guy was really his cousin.

Yuki sighs before turning to answer our upperclassmen, "Sorry Senpai, its true that were technically cousins, but I've never spoken to him before." Yuki had a strange smile on his face.

"I'm digging carrot top, his hair reminds me of the hair your mom used to have Aimi, Tohru." Arisa said, gaining my attention. I simply nodded in response.

"I feel them, his strong waves are the same as Yuki Sohma's. Their odd, what am I sensing? Its almost as if their waves aren't human." Saki said, making Tohru and I nervous. It was kind of ironic, her waves were just about spot on.

Kyo then stood up and began trying to walk away, only for a girl to attempt to grab him, only for her to get pinned to the ground, the other girls began yelling at him, and then jumps out of the window, on the third floor! I let out a sigh, I might as well go after him, to make sure he's okay. I walked out of the classroom with Tohru, then we went looking for him around campus, grabbing my notebook and marker, splitting up to cover more ground, only for me to run into a dead end eventually. Just as I turned around, there was someone, cornering me.

There stood a girl. The girl had an evil glint in her eyes as she stared me down, but I only stood there confused. What do they want?

"Hey bitch! Remember me? I'm the one who made your life miserable!" The girl said, only making me eye her even more suspiciously. What does she mean?

She fake laughed before saying, "Poor you, you don't speak to anyone anymore because I was the one who told all the kids the rumors. You got bullied so badly that I was surprised you didn't kill yourself! But here you are, trying to steal my man away once again! In elementary, the boy I had a crush on, liked you, so I ruined your reputation, not that it was doing good before I stepped in, you were already being bullied by everyone else, so why not get your only friend to? Then in Middle school, the boy I liked once again, liked you. And now, you're trying to steal Yuki away!"

So, she was the reason my only friend in elementary school turned on me. But now that I looked at her closer, she did look familiar. Then it somewhat clicked. She was the one who threatened me with a knife in middle school, the one who locked me in a locker for two days, which is why I developed claustrophobia, the one who told the teacher I cheated on almost all of my tests. She's a lunatic!

My eyes widened as I took a step back, my back hitting the wall. But it was true, my friend I had in elementary school did leave me, but to be honest, she didn't do anything to help the bullies, and sometimes even laughed with them. This girl wasn't the full reason my life was miserable, but she was a part of it. But why? What did I even do?

The creepy smile on her face only grew as she took a step forward. "I don't understand why you don't just kill yourself, you get bullied almost everyday. And look at you, day by day you just get uglier and fatter! No one wants to hear your voice, its so annoying!" She said. "You stole everything away from me! Now, I'm warning you, stay away from the prince, or you'll regret it!"

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