77 ~ what he did

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(Chae pov / Mature content)

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(Chae pov / Mature content)

Chaeyoung laid awake in the hospital bed. She had tried to sleep but without Lisa's presence and knowing she was gone, it had left her unable to drift off.

She had this weird feeling, and was left slightly un well. Every now and then she'd get slight pain in her stomach but she was chalking it up to the medicine and pills reacting to each other.

Since Doctor Lee decided to switch her back to her old medicine, but the dose he gave her seemed like a lot, leaving her arm slightly numb.

Her eyes were closed as she breathed in, wishing Lisa would hurry up and return so she could lay with her.

And if almost on command... or thought, the door to her room slowly creaked open. The light from the hallway filling it as Chaeyoung opened her eyes and sat up with a smile.

Who she saw enter though, was a red eyed, red cheeked Lisa. With an emotionless look on her face.

Was Chaeyoung dreaming? Lisa just went out for dinner. What happened?


"Hey." She released airily, stepping in.

"W-What happened?"

"Huh? Nothing." Lisa spoke, mustering a smile.

"No it's not." Chaeyoung frowned. Lisa walking up to her and beginning to crawl into the bed. Her cheek getting darker by the second. "Babe, your cheek. Did someone...

"Can I just hold you please?" Lisa whispered, stuffing her face into Chaeyoung's neck and wrapping her arms around her waist.

"No." Chaeyoung stated, pushing her off. "Tell me."

"Rosie, I really don't want to get into it. Not right now."

"But Lisa... y-you've always been there for me. Let me-"

"Please." Lisa begged. "Please, it's okay. Just let it go."

"Just let it go?" Chaeyoung asked. Hearing her voice raise a bit.

Lisa quickly put her hands up in defense, reaching for Chaeyoung's hands. "No baby, that's not what I meant, I just-"

"Lisa, your hand!" Chaeyoung gasped, noticing her girlfriend's bruised and slightly bloodied hand.

"It's..." She said looking down at it, sighing.

"It's nothing right? That's what you're going to tell me... you go out for dinner and come back with a messed up hand and bruised cheek."

"I've been in that situation before you know? I know what it looks like after getting hit. So answer my damn question." Chaeyoung spoke. "What happened?"

Lisa just stared for a moment. Chaeyoung knew that the blonde was letting her words sink in.

"I... got into a fight." She said, looking down her fingers, twiddling them.

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