Chapter 9: Sarah

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As soon as James found his egg, an egg heated up beneath my hand and I saw what my dragon would look like as well. I realized that James was already walking towards the exit of the cave and I quickly thanked the great one, as James had called him, and followed James. We walked out of the cave and were instantly blinded as many bright lights flared up all around us, and Dakota walked over to us. 

"You two are under arrest for dishonoring the cave of the great one. The punishment is death." Dakota said. 

"Dakota, calm down, we didn't dishonor your city's cave and besides you're the one who told us to go in the cave." I said. 

"I did no such thing, and by the way, your friend, Henry was it? Yeah, he's dead." Dakota said. 

"You Bastard!" I yelled, pissed that he killed my friend and teacher. 

"How could you? We trusted you." Sarah said, hurt clear in her strained voice. 

"I knew you were just coming here as defilers, but gave you a chance for the sole reason of you being my twin, James. I should've known better than to doubt my judgment. It won't happen again." Dakota said, "Fire!". 

The lightning bolts shot from their bolt canons(which were magical bazookas that shot bolts of lightning) and came hurtling at us at incomprehensible speeds, and stopped dead in their tracks as they hit a shield of pure energy that radiated off of James. 

"How are you...?" I asked, dumbfounded. 

"I don't know, I really-" James broke off as his eyes turned glassy. 

The shield fell, and James was gone, then all went black. 

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